Chapter 1

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A month later.


I need to talk to you. Its important. 

 This was Janet's message message exactly. Who knew what she wanted this time. The last time she wanted to "talk" it was a booty call at her house,( my parents would kill me), anyway I wasn't falling for her antics this time and also because Teuan would kill me, literally. I mean I still haven't told her about Janet and I's night but I can see the doubt, worry, disappointment, hope, everything in her eyes. I know she knows, but I haven't had the balls to tell her. We went to the movies the other night and it felt right to pop the 3 words, so I did.

"Teuan, I love you." 

" A bit early for that don't you think?" She said lookin me straight in the eyes. And ever present was the doubt, fear and affection.

"Its been 3 years. You don't have to say the words back or anything, don't force it, just let it flow." I said, hoping that she would say the words back. I waited for what felt like hours but it was a couple of seconds for this:

"I love you too Jason, " but instead I got this:

"Okay, you know Jack from down the road got his girlfriend pregnant but they had a miscarriage. Its like really sad. They were a strong couple. Power couple type of vibes." 

I sighed, really I admit my feelings to her like that and she tells me some gossip that probably came from the her lunch group. Like fuck. 

At three o'clock in the afternoon I went to see Janet. At McDonald's. I decided to go because her punctuation was accurate so maybe it was really serious. I know Teuan might see, she loves their fries, but if she sees me its fine, nothing is going to go wrong. 

Janet arrived completely in black. In heels. Like its a funeral. "Jason, it's good to see you." 

"Yeah Janet. What did you want to talk about?" I asked

She pulled out a brown bag. Her eyes were filled with tears. She passed the brown bag over to my side of the table. 

"What is this?" I asked

"If I passed it to you don't you think you should open it." She said

I opened in it was a electronic stick thing. With a line on the screen. Holding it on the opposite end of the screen I asked what it was.

"Its a positive pregnancy test." She said.

"Ahhh, don't you pee on it. Eww, I'm holding the side you pissed on aren't  I? So this yours and I have exactly what part in this?" I asked

"The part you played in this is when you stuck your dick in me." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks. Should I comfort her? Wait I'm the father of the child. The thing in her stomach. Protection, where were you bruh?  I'm going to be a father to a child that's not my girlfriends. My girlfriend who I haven't told I cheated on with my child's mother. I'm a fuck up. 

"Jason say something, please." Janet said. I forgot she was there. How am I going to tell Teuan this?

"We'll get through this Janet, okay?" I reassured her


A ringtone goes off signaling that I have a message. Jason hasn't told me yet and I think I'm going to approach him because I can't keep having this doubt follow me whenever I think of him. I mean he popped the 8 letters. 8 LETTERS! Like Wtf? You cheat and don't tell me then you say "I love you" like are trying to get into my pants? This stuff keeps popping up in my head. Ugh! 

The message was from Janet, or Busty Bitch as I like to call her or my personal favourite, Busty Red Head, so yeah. I opened up the message and my heart stopped. This chick playing on my last vaginal nerve. And the fact that Jason knows hurts my heart, like a tattoo is being tattoed on my heart. The message was:

Listen Teuan, so I know you and Jason probably broke up by now with him being my baby's father and my boyfriend and all so I just wanted to make sure there aren't any hard feelings xJanet

Excuse me. Broke up. Hard feelings. Baby. Baby. Jason's baby. My boyfriends baby. Well ex apparently. Since....

First phone call went to my bestie, Tatiana. And I told her everything from when I found out he cheated to now at this moment. All my feelings. 8  Letters. Everything. But still no tears came. Am I a wall, I mean really, just one tear, please?

"T, you should have told me earlier... I would have oh, you don't want to know. I'd offer to be there when you ask him but you and him need to have a one on one. Coz I mean if Janet and him are dating then you need to let him know that he can't come running back. And the fact that you havent cried, screamed, swore or killed someone yet is a good sign. Coz this is like a calm before a mothereffing tsunami! I wish Jason all the luck in world right now. Actually he deserves whatever attacks him right now. I hope its a Gorilla Beast slash Bitch Teuan"

Laughing I said goodbye to her. Now its time to win a war.

What the fuck! What the fuck! WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!" I SCREAMED

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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