Chapter 1

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Games that received the 'movie' treatment!

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These are just some of the Games that, early in the consoles' life cycle, quickly built interest with gamers and helped boost Sony's stock with consumer demand, as their 1st console started to grow an awareness and recognition with gamers and created legitimate competition for rival companies, such as Nintendo and Sega, when the PSOne became a mainstream media sensation! Some of the PlayStation's very 1st Games made such an instant impact, they essentially defined the PlayStation brand, as these VideoGames eventually spawned legit franchises, leaving an indelible mark in the gaming industry, several of these Games also garnered Pop Culture Notoriety, a small pool of notable Game characters enjoyed huge popularity and have broke out, transcending the medium of interactive entertainment and are now, more or less, instantly recognizable mainstream celebrities, known around the world!!

Case in point: Many of these Game franchises have enjoyed the movie treatment, spawning a Major Motion Picture produced by some of Hollywood's hottest producers and directors, backed by some of the biggest and most powerful movie studios who are fronting the bill on the movies entire production, which stems from pre-production with hiring writers who are tasked with the difficult job of adapting the VideoGame into a legitimate full-length motion picture, by creating an engaging plot with all sorts of twists and turns and is then structured with a beginning, middle and finally an explosive third act that sends it to a thrilling conclusive end. This is the standard formula we're all mostly familiar with and is how a screenplay is commonly crafted.

This herein lies the overall challenge for accomplishing a compelling motion picture, as with most VideoGames the dilemma usually concerns the Games plot and/or story, which for the most part are pretty light thin in terms of Story. Sometimes the case is there's not much to the Story that is attached to the Game's underlying plot, which seemingly the story drives the Player's motivation throughout the Game to see it to the end. But aside from that, developers will utilize a method that rolls out some of the more exciting mechanics that enhance the gameplay, as you progress from level to level and creates a desire within the player to forged ahead, determined to overcome the ever increasing challenges that's presented and placed before you in each level, then once you've accomplished the goals to complete the level, 'said' Game will reward the player character with some form of new gameplay mechanic, whether it be a new ability or power or maybe even a weapon at the start of the next level that makes you increasingly more powerful and it's this tactic developers use, especially if their Game is light in the story department and they replace it with a character progression system that will make you want to see the Game to the very end. Therefore, Story usually in Games takes a back seat to the gameplay and the gameplay becomes the highlight of the majority of a Games' play-through.

This is where the screenwriter must 'fill in the holes' to the Game's plot, in order to tell a story that befits a full-length motion picture. This has created a divide as some Game adaptations to the silver screen are met with varying degrees of success and some fall flat and are regarded as some of the other worst movies ever made.

It's become a thin line between making something that appeals to the traditional movie fan, as well as satisfying the core gaming audience. But whatever the result, the bottom line is the sheer fact that a VideoGame is receiving the motion picture treatment, signifying that 'said' Game has officially broken into the mainstream and has left a bigger mark on popular culture.

Here are some of the VideoGames who've received the movie treatment.

#1.) TOMB RAIDER franchise
| Protagonist: Lara Croft |
| Game debuts on: PSOne |
|Year of Release: 1996 / Nov. |

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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