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Damn I'm so sorry I haven't updated, a lot of stuff is going on but I'm back now, enjoy! I'll update again when I have time.

You ignore the noise thinking it's just the wind, and try to go back to sleep. But your mind keeps playing every horror movie you've ever seen on repeat, damn you brain.. and knowing that it's a stupid idea, you get up and go check it out.

As you start walking to your kitchen, you start shivering, "why is it to cold.." And as soon as you stepped in, your heart stopped and your body was paralyzed. Your door was all the way open. "Oh. Fuck."

You grab your house phone and dial 911 and start shaking. "911 what's your emergency?" "I think someone bro-" "I would hang up if I were you." You freeze and the lady on the phone "Hello? Are you there?" You drop the phone, breaking it, and you turn around slowly. No one. But you could've sworn.. A voice so raspy and deep, a bit of laughing in those chilly words.

"Someones got to be pulling a prank." Thinking of Eric Jackson, (y/c)'s biggest prankster, whom had glued your butt in 6th grade in front of your whole English class, you yell: "Come out Eric! This isn't funny you jackass!" "Eric? My name is Jeffrey, Jeff I prefer." There it was again, that voice.. So chilling. The hairs on the back of your neck start tingling. You feel rage and fear build up. "WHO ARE YOU? LEAVE ME ALONE THIS ISNT FUNNY!" "Hahaha!" Laughing? What the hell.. You look around and don't see anyone.. Or anything.. But the laughing was getting closer as your shaking was getting extreme. Suddenly it stopped.

... Silence

"You smell nice!" The person said right next to your ear. You scream and run as fast as you can to the back door but as soon as you opened it, a sharp pain exploded on your shoulder. You scream and start crying and look. He had stabbed you. Blood was forcing itself out, seeing a bit of your bone, too petrified to even react, you look past the knife that was stuck in your shoulder and see a tall figure. Those eyes, as wide as can be. They had dark circles around them. Did he even blink? You see the white hoodie stained with what looked like old blood that the news anchor described. But the scariest feature on this man, was that smile. A big smile. It looked as if someone had cut him ear to ear. After observing him, he says "Like what you see?" And at that moment you passed out.

You woke up, your shoulder feeling a bit better, you look at it. Someone had bandaged it. You look around, you were lying in a hospital bed. After a minute of looking around, a nurse comes in. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" "Uhh.." "I shouldn't ask that, for gods sake you got stabbed. But you sure know how to bandage a wound." "I-I didn't bandage it.. w-wait you mean, none of you nurses did it?" "Nope, when the police found you, your shoulder was already bandaged pretty good. They believed you did it yourself, but we took it off to take care of it, but we put a fresh one on."


Are you real? (Jeff the killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now