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they went to her dads burial

rosa: ill see you guys back at the apartment ok? im going with my family

avia: ok be safe

she nodded and hugged her

rosa: and thanks dom .. it means alot you saved her

he hugged her

Dominic: dont thank me what are homies for

she side smiled and walked away

they stood back and watched everyone

avia: you ok?

he shrugged his shoulders

Dominic: i dont really do all this

avia: funerals?

Dominic: burials more .. i got like 4 homies buried here and they all died before i turned 20 .. it doesn't settle right with me

avia: why? if its ok if i ask?

Dominic: its ok no ones ever really asked .. to me it ain't fair i get to continue to live and be happy but their lives just stopped one day for being somewhere at the wrong time ya know? they got buried then we went home and moved on with life

she grabbed his hand

avia: im sorry babe

he kissed her hand

Dominic: it comes with the lifestyle babe im just lucky I've survived this long

avia: and you'll continue to survive

he hugged and kissed her head

the burial services ended ..

brian was in the background just watching them thinking of a way to get back at him ..

lupe: are you coming for the lunch?

avia: no mom its been a long day already but ill go over tomorrow after work?

lupe: that's good with me i love you

they hugged

avia: i love you too im a call away

they walked away

Dominic: we could've gone?

avia: i know but to hear them talk out of there asses then stare and judge im good .. we can go pick up Jared and go out together make this shity Sunday into a good one?

he smiled and hugged her as they walked back to his truck

Dominic: Jared will love the idea lets go

they left

brian wrote down his license plate

days went by

Antonio: shes gone shouldn't be bothering anymore

Dominic: good she wont show up to the court date and shit will get canceled and ill have full custody

Antonio: you could've avoided all this drama shit is going to bring attention

Dominic: naw it not she was filing with a free lawyer those fools dont care shit but thanks to

Antonio: i got you always nephew

they thought everything was calm but brian had filed a case on Dominic on the low

they went to avias work to ask her questions

officer: sorry we had to come to your work place but we needed you alone

she looked at them confused

avia: ok? well what do you want?

officer: hows your relationship with Dominic?

avia: why are you asking? is he ok?

officer: hes fine we're investigating and an incident that occurred last weekend at a funeral where your boyfriend assaulted someone

she sighed

avia: is the accuser's name brian delagado? brown hair my height? and a total kiss ass?

officer: yes his names brian

avia: yea hes my ex .. Dominic was with me the whole time because it was my fathers funeral do you really think he would assault someone while me and my mother cried? are you serious? brian huh

officer: first off im sorry for your loss and second im only doing my job but did things end bad between you and brian that he would go this far?

avia: im to someone to talk do you understand? bt yes things did end horribly and hes better that im happy now and in love

she looked down

officer: if he hurt you you can file a restraining order?

avia: if i do he'll come back making things worse he cant hurt me anymore im safe but i wish he would just leave me alone ya know?

officer: i understand so nothing happened that day?

avia: i have my mom as my witness i can call her?

officer: dont worry ill write it all down thank you for taking time out of your day

she nodded and watched them leave she texted Dominic

Dominic- no way haha

avia- im soo annoyed

dominic- naw babe it ain't worth the energy but i find it hot you lied for me

she laughed

avia- haha you're crazy

she had left work and went to her moms bt as she drove down her street she saw brians car parked at roses moms house he was sitting in the car with roses sister

she got mad and pulled over and walked up to his car

brian: can i help you?

avia: i find it funny that you'll go as far as filing charges on my boyfriend but yet here yu are trying to catch a felony case? they questioned me about you about everything! i should've told that officer everything you have done to me! and what your doing with her i should've

he sat back quiet

avia: noemi get out of his car and go home

noemi: your all talk leave him already! you say you moved on

she laughed

avia: i understand its annoying you've been hearing things from everyone but i experienced his crazy shit first hand want me to sit down and tell you everything? want me to show you my scars? plus your 16 and so fucking beautiful and smart you can do way better than this sack of shit that will just drain you and drag you down

she sat back quietly

brian: avia

avia: go to hell brian seriously

she stormed off

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