Chapter 6

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^ Outfit &' baby stuff ^

It's been a couple of months since I found out the Cullen's, and Bella, were vampires. There was no need to ask Carlisle what the gender of the babies were. Alice's vision, while a little fuzzy, showed one boy and one girl.

And then the shopping started. Alice had set up a nursery and I moved into the guest room later in my last trimester. Charlie deemed it okay since he thought being near a doctor would help right away while going into labor. And the fact that they could help me with the after birth. The nursery was absolutely beautiful. Both cribs were next to each other up against the wall, with a fuzzy white rug places in the middle, with small chandeliers that hung above. With hints of pink and blue, everything was perfect.

At 36, almost 37 weeks, the babies could come any day now. But the past few days have been tense. Whatever had shown on Alice's vision had them on edge, but I didn't need to add any worry on to myself. Not while I still had two watermelon sized babies cooking up in my stomach.

Needing a break from the tension I wrote a note and headed to Charlie's. He had a couple gifts for the babies he wanted to give me. But when I got there, Charlie's police cruiser was gone. Wanting to get out of the cold I headed inside. On note laid on the counter saying he got a call but the gifts were on the table.

Laid on the were blankets with an elephant and unicorn attached to them. Along with a couple grandpa onesies. I looked down to my belly. "You both are going to be spoiled rotten, do you know that?" I shook my head fondly.

My cellphone ringing broke me out of my daze. "Hey Bells, what wro- Where are you?" She interrupted. "I left a note, I had to pick some stuff up from Charlie's. What's going on?" Other voices I didn't recognize but sounded familiar somehow spoke in rush. "I'll be there soon Bells, there's nothing to worry ab-" before I could finish a splash of water sounded on the floor I looked down. "Bella. I think my water just broke." I groaned as a contraction hit. "Ow, ow, ow, ow. Holy shit. Bella get your pasty, pale ass over here right now. Dammit these hurt." I whimpered but continue to take deep breaths and hung up.

"Really? You choose now of all times to grace your presence." The contraction weren't that close together so that was a good sign. I grabbed my stuff and got something to drink. 10 minutes later Bella barged in along with the whole family. "Took you long enough. The contractions aren't that close but they still hurt like a motherfu- DAMMIT!" I grabbed onto Jasper, who was the closest and squeezed. "Alright now let's go."

Alice drove quickly as she could and before you know it I'm in a hospital bed waiting. After hours of pushing, crying and screaming. An ear piercing cry sounded through the room and my son was placed on my chest. Quickly followed by my daughter. I silently cried looking at them. The most beautiful creatures I'd ever seen, and they were all mine.

After the doctor cleaned me up and the babies. They were both fed and wide awake in my arms. Everyone walked in and zeroed in in the bundles in my arms.

"Everybody meet Samuel Alexander and Charlotte Rose Swan." Once everyone got to coo at the babies the nurse came back in for anything feeding. They left and Charlie stayed with me.

After they were fed they quickly fell asleep as did Charlie. I admired them closely and lovingly. Before I fell into my own blissful sleep, I could've swore I felt the light touch of a cold finger run along my cheek to neck.


Note: The babies are here! Sorry if it wasn't the best, I'm just so damn tired and I just wanted to get this chapter  out. See you in the next one! ;;)

P.S. I just wanted to say, I know NOTHING about childbirth or the experience. I've seen it for myself when my nephew was born but that's it. So I didn't bother using a medical terms or any shenanigans like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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