Back To Will

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There's a fair bit of language in this chapter
Also sorry I've been updating a lot, I'm hust really into this story teehee

The next morning I was jolted awake with a shake. I opened my eyes to see James standing over me.

"James what the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?" I thrashed at him before sitting up.

"Fraser and I walked you home 'cause you were smashed. But it was late so I thought I'd wait for Alex to get home and see how he is," James explained.

"Why are you still here then?" I was still half asleep, so what had happened didn't quite register.

"Well that's the thing... it's eight in the morning and he hasn't come back," James attempted to look calm for my sake, but be seemed worried as well.

I was a little worried at first, before remembering that he left with Will.

"Surely Will wouldn't let him get hurt though," I shrugged.

"I'll call Will and ask where Alex went after he dropped him off," James quickly whipped out his phone from his back pocket, called Will and put it on speaker.

"Hey mate," James started when Will answered, "Do you know where Alex ended up last night?"

"Funny story," I could hear Will take in a sharp breath through the phone, "Promise you won't tell George though."

James' glance shot over to me and I responded with a pleading face. James nodded and rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I won't," he said before mouthing 'you owe me.'

"So he came back to mine, right. He said he was annoyed with George," just the thought of that not only deeply upset me, but made my blood boil.

Will was the one who dared him. There was no way he was mad at me and not Will.

"He said he didn't think he'd be able to sleep so we had a couple drinks. Everything was fine, we were just chatting," Will continued, "And then uhm..."

There was a long, awkward pause and different ideas of what could have happened began to flash through my mind. Was he dead? Did he decide to move out? Did he run away? Did he steal a dog? Have sex with a pigeon?

"Yeah?" James attempted to nudge the conversation along.

"Well, uh, he asked me why George would do that. And I said that I took full responsibility for pushing George to do it, but he didn't agree. And I asked him what was really going on between him and George. Apparently they actually, genuinely shagged!" I could hear both Will's excitement and confusion grow through the phone.

Upon hearing this, James turned his head towards me and gave me a 'what-the-fuck-why-didn't-you-tell-me' face. I responded with a simple 'oopsie' face and a shrug.

"Wait so why aren't they together?" James was definitely directing this question more to me.

"That's the thing, I think they're both just pussies," James looked over at me once again for confirmation and I nodded furiously.

There was another, slightly smaller, pause and another sharp inhale from the other side of the phone, "But apparently Alex is not so much of a pussy when he's been drinking."

We'll, what did that mean? Did they have sex? Did Alex jump off a balcony? Kill a child? Eat the poor? Fuck a pigeon?

"I told Alex that George would be lucky to have him... And that he wasn't a bad looking fella... And apparently when Alex is drunk and sad, that's enough to make him kiss someone?" This didn't immediately register.

I was just focused on how unsure of himself and nervous Will sounded, until I realised what Will had meant. Did Alex seriously have no respect for me? Yeah, I kissed a stranger. He kissed the guy he'd been crushing on not all that long ago. I really wanted to be sad. I so desperately wished I was one of those people who just had a good cry about something while listening to a soppy playlist, or just didn't leave the house for a few days and ate an unusual amount of food and then was over it. But of course, I am me. And one of my downfalls is getting completely, unnecessarily angry whenever I feel wronged. So, in that moment, I was completely fuming, livid, absolutely, unapologetically furious.

"Wait, what?" James questioned through the phone as I felt my face grow hotter.

"What the actual fuck!?" I stood up out of bed, grabbed my phone and my keys, and decided, in that moment, that I would not let this go.

"Is that George?" I heard Will ask through the phone.

"No-" James stuttered slightly, "Gotta go, bye!"

He hung up the phone and came chasing after me.

"You're being ridiculous, George!" He called as he ran after me, "This is just gonna get both of us in shit! Come inside, have a cuppa and wait for Alex to get home!"

"Fuck that!" I yelled back, continuing my rampage.

//shit chapter yeah, but I've had the exchange between the two that happens in the next chapter in my head for a while and the past few chapters have been building up to it so

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