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Galene still eyed him with strangely. Percy knew that she turned to look at him when she thought he wasn't but said nothing about it as they walked down the dark and damp hallway. It was patently obvious that she wasn't enthusiastic about the discussion that had just taken place, but it didn't matter – she was a loyal member of the Athenian resistance and she would follow her orders.

For his part, Percy was more worried about his companions' reactions to the idea that, while shopping for goods, he had inadvertently joined a rebellion.


"A raid?" Percy questioned.

"Yes," the woman responded, a small smile playing on her lips. "The main armory of the Athenian army, where Theseus has kept all of his soldiers' weapons and armor. If we can take it, then we can supply our forces while starving his out to force him to either negotiate or surrender. This is critical to our survival."

Percy crossed his arms. "So why haven't you done it yet?"

The woman sighed. "His armory is heavily guarded. We do not have the ability to break through its defenses without heavy losses, but with you and your power, it should not be an issue at all."

"Theseus is also a demigod. I don't want to fight him if I don't have to."

Galene snorted. "Theseus has not been seen in years, even during invasions and rebellions. I doubt he will for another insurrection. And why would he? He cares nothing for the plight of our people, their cries of fear, their hunger, or their safety. No, I don't expect that monster to show at al-"

The woman cleared her throat as she looked sharply at her younger subordinate, causing Galene to quickly look away.

"As Galene was saying," the woman continued, "Theseus is unlikely to be a threat. And even if he appears, you should be able to turn the tide against his forces and bring him to a stalemate with our own forces backing you up."

The woman sighed, having said her part. "Honestly, there is no reason that you would help us. We have nothing to offer you except for an amount of gold and maybe some of the weapons you needed. If you wished to leave, we could not stop you – in fact, we would not, because that would be your decision. But we do hope that you will help us. Our situation is more desperate than it may seem, and this is our last chance to strike at Theseus and his tyranny."

Percy chuckled a little. "All that after I've been knocked on the back of the head and brought here against my will?" At this, Galene sheepishly looked away while the woman laughed.

"Indeed, our methods are crude but effective. We needed to verify your intentions and we have done so – there is nothing left for us to do but to ask for your assistance. What do you think?"

Falling silent, the room awaited with bated breath at the demigod, who stood in the center of the room with his eyes closed.

Percy knew the risks and dangers of joining their endeavor. He could already hear Kassandra's exasperated tone and Alcaeus' deep disapproving voice. He knew that he had a quest to complete, a mission of the utmost importance such that nothing should hinder his swift progress.

And still, he wanted to stay and fight. Because deep in his heart, he knew it was right. Before the woman in front of him had even warned him of the dangers of staying and of the minuscule rewards for doing so, he knew what he had to do. Even if the monetary reward was small, he knew that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't try.

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