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Thalia felt a tear roll down her cheek even as her expression remained impassive. There was something deep inside her, buried by the webbing and threading of ancient Greek magic, something that screamed in pain and frustration as she watched Percy Jackson disappear into nothingness, but it was not strong enough to break free. Aphrodite's machinations kept a solid hold on the daughter of Zeus.

So, in the end, Thalia just stood there and watched as the smoke cleared and rubble fell, as the blinding light gave way to a harrowing darkness and Kronos laughed cruelly in Luke's voice.

She had no mouth, but she had to scream.

Annabeth yelled as loudly as she could, but gagged and muffled as she was, the demigod had little ability to make herself heard. Tears streamed down her cheeks, soaking into the cloth rag that covered her mouth. Kronos' slow, cruel laughter echoed off the high vaults of the chamber, filling the void left by the searing event.

The guards that had brought out Annabeth were stock still from the sight before them, as was Victor. In the latter's case, he was thoroughly taken aback. In all of his years of living and serving under Kronos, he had never seen anything that came close to what had just happened.

Aphrodite pouted a little. "That's a real shame. I had high hopes for the boy, you know?"

Kronos stopped laughing as he turned to the goddess, a smile still playing on his face. "Oh, my dear goddess, I'm sure you'll get over it sooner rather than later."

Aphrodite chuckled in response, a light twinkling sound that was at odds with her present company. "Of course. I had high hopes for Percy, I truly did. Unfortunately," the goddess continued, her voice turning darker as she turned to the docile Thalia standing beside her, "he had poor taste. Even I couldn't fix that." After a momentary dark look played itself on the beautiful goddess' face, she eerily brightened up with a dazzling smile. "On the other hand," Aphrodite slickly continued as she slid an arm over Kronos' chest, "that means I have more time to spend with you."

Kronos – using Luke's face – smirked. "Better?"

"A definite improvement," Aphrodite seductively purred.

"Quite the silver tongue you have on you," Kronos muttered, though he did not object to Aphrodite's physical proximity.

"But the best tongue – that I can assure you..."

The two were broken out of their quasi-embrace by Annabeth's muffled screams, which were increasing in intensity and duration. Kronos sneered as he saw the young demigod cry and scream at the sight of Luke Castellan's body being used by him.

"You can take that out," he half-heartedly ordered, gesturing at the guards. "Let's see what she has to say." One of them quickly nodded and ripped the cloth gag in half, taking it out of the girl's mouth.

"How dare you!" Annabeth immediately yelled, her gray eyes burning at the sight before her. "How dare you use Luke like that!"

"Silly girl," Kronos scoffed, shaking his head. "Luke Castellan is dead. I'm all that's left of him. He gave his soul so that I could live, and for that, he will be immortalized... in me."

"Bastard!" Annabeth screamed. "I don't care what kind of lies you told him! You killed Luke and then you killed Percy – fo-for that, I will never, ever stop fighting you!"

"Weren't you going to oppose me anyway?" Kronos replied dryly, a wry smile on his face at the young girl's rant.

"Thalia!" Annabeth continued, ignoring Kronos speaking in Luke's voice. "Thalia! Please! This isn't you – fight it!"

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