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1- Kita cried a bit at graduation, he thanked all his teammates for everything, especially the memories stating that even though their banner had said 'we don't need things like memories' he was grateful for everything that had happened at his 3 years at Inarizaki.

2-  Kuroo stays at kenma's house overnight sometimes to make sure that the bi-colour haired boy gets enough sleep. This happens like twice a week and kuroo's parents are cool with it.

3- During sleepless nights sometimes Yaku will climb out the window and sit on his roof and just stay there for a while to just watch the stars, he normally climbs back into his room before 4:30am though to avoid getting caught.

4- Kita is actually has the observational skills of a rusty teaspoon when it comes down to realising people's feelings for him. 

5- The only person Suna doesn't have much blackmail on is kita but that's only because it's almost impossible to find something on kita. He has the most blackmail on atsumu, but that's because he's bestfriends with osamu so he has a reliable source.

6- Suna is literally the only person osamu is willing to share his food with but he refuses to admit this to anyone.

7- Yaku seems like the person who would listen to bands such as red hot chilli peppers but in actuality he listens to a lot of Billie Marten. One day lev discovers this and yaku was expecting to be teased for it but it turned out that lev actually listens to her as well. They end up bonding over the experience a tiny bit.

8- Every year the Inarizaki team get back together for a night and do fun things, they take turns in choosing what they do that night but most times they get food before going bowling or to the beach or something. The only rule is that they are not allowed to bring their s/o unless they were a part of the team during their highschool years. 

9- Kenma has a habit where sometimes when him and kuroo are alone, he will sometimes steal the captains hoodies to wear, kuroo doesn't mind this.

10- Yaku secretly really enjoys lev's company until he brings up yaku's height. Not that Yaku will ever admit that he enjoys having lev around.

11-  Akagi had a crush on Suna at one point in highschool but had gotten over it after a month or so. When he is asked about it his face goes a tiny bit red but he doesn't deny it. Of course, suna knew this and definitely teases him with it sometimes.

12- Atsumu is in the class above suna and osamu (its canon) but he just acts really dumb. He knows what he should do. but he ignores this in favour for acting instead. On the rare times he doesn't act dumb you know that he's really serious about something.

13- Kita admires atsumu, in multiple ways but he won't admit it.  He admires how atsumu can act as stupid as he does, he admires how he is so talented at setting, he basically just admires atsumu for how he is.

14- Tsukki has glow in the dark dinosaurs stuck to his ceiling. The first time that Yamaguchi stayed over he didn't mention it, finding it adorable secretly but not wanting to risk Tsukki getting annoyed.

15- When kita's grandmother passes he doesn't answer his phone for a week unless its for business related things. This leads to his friends taking turns to check up on him during the three weeks following her passing. Kita secretly appreciates his friends worrying about him.

16- Iwazumi actually shows affection to Oikawa sometimes but it's normally when they're alone and Oikawa is having a really bad day.


Alrighty that's everything for this chapter as I can't think of anymore headcanons right now. 

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