Dear Mom

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I sit at the coffee shop, like most days. It gets quite boring sitting in the motel room everyday, I almost feel trapped there, like the walls are caving in on me. And since I haven't had anywhere else to go, except for work, I've been spending most of my time here, trying out new types of coffee everyday. I glance down at the paper in front of me while I take a sip of my coffee. I've been here for a bit over a month and I'm still staying at the motel. I got my first paycheck earlier this week so I'm ready to rent my own place. I read the different ads, I'm trying to find something quite cheap but already furnitured since I don't own any and it would be too expensive to buy new. I see some interesting ads and circle them with a pen, I'm going to call them as soon as Jade gets here. She offered to go with me and look at the apartments and to be honest, I love hanging out with her and having a friend. I smile when I think about how well everything has been going for the past month. I found a job, I have a friend and I'm looking for my own place, I couldn't even imagine that it would go this well.

'What are you drinking?' I look up and see Jade with a cup in her hand, smiling at me as she sits down.

'Just regular black coffee, like always' I chuckle and smile back at her.

'Have you found any interesting apartments yet?' Jade asks as she looks down on the paper

in my hand. I do the same and see the three circles that I made.

'Yeah, three. I'm going to call them and see if they're available to see today' Jade nods as I take out my phone and dial the first number.


I knock nervously on the door. I need to make a really good impression and I hope the apartment is as nice as I imagine it. I really need to get my own place and this is the third and last apartment we'll be looking at today. The previous ones did not meet my expectations, the were really small, gross and the neighbourhood was quite scary. So I'm really hoping third time's a charm and that this apartment will at least be okay, it doesn't have to be super pretty or fancy, and the neighbourhood here is fine. A middle aged man opens the door, he smiles when he sees us and motions for us to come in. He's very average and I see a wedding ring on his finger.

'Welcome, which one of you is Mona?' asks the man.

'It's me, nice to meet you' I answer and wave with my hand to make it even more clear that

I'm the one that wants to rent it.

'Nice to meet you too, do you want a small tour?' asks the man and I nod.

He starts with showing us the kitchen, it's small and the cabinets are painted in an intense blue color. You can see that they were painted recently and that the man put a lot of effort into making this kitchen look as nice as possible. We then move on the bathroom, it's small, like the rest of the apartment, but I'm gladly surprised that there is a bathtub combined with a shower in it. The bedroom is average sized with a king sized bed and a wardrobe in it, it's not much, but it's enough. We then return to the living room, which we were in before, it contains a small couch, tv and a table with two chairs. The apartment isn't impressing in any way but it's ten times better than the two previous ones. I can imagine myself living here, it just needs some work. Some plants here and there, some color and decorations. I glance over at Jade to see what she thinks about it and she nods a few times with her head, which I understand as that she likes it, or at least doesn't hate it.

'So, what are your thoughts?' asks the man.

'Could you give us a moment to talk about it?' the man nods and goes to the bathroom.

'So, what do you think?' I ask nervously facing Jade. I really hope she likes it, I know I'm

the one that is supposed to live here, but her opinions matters to me.

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