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Fang and the others have arrived to the planet and look around to find Boboiboy but got no clues at all

"Damn! I's been an hour but why we can't contact his power watch" said Fang tried to contact Boboiboy from his power watch but no sign at all

"If Adudu tries to do something to him, we have to get ready" said Yaya
"But how did Adudu know that we're near this planet?" asked Gopal
"Yeah... it could be anybody who get that SOS" said Ying seriously
"I'm not sure too, but now we have to find Boboiboy first" said Fang

"Ehhh what is that?!" said Papa Zola looking outside

The others look and notice it was the little spaceship that Boboiboy rides

"Captain Papa! Land near that spaceship!" said Fang

They land near the spaceship. Fang, Yaya, Ying and Gopal comes out and surprised that the spaceship is their little spaceship. but it was broken really bad

"Fang! Boboiboy is not in here.." said Yaya who flying near the spaceship
"This spaceship got damage very bad..." said Ying touch the spaceship
"Hm... I don't think the damage is cause by falling" said Fang
"Hah?" said three of them surprised

"Look... there's a lot of dust of rocks inside the spaceship"
"But you don't think that Boboiboy use Gempa to protect himself?" asked Yaya
"I was thinking that, but after seeing this damage holes by some laser shots make me think twice"
"So Boboiboy was attacked then?" asked Gopal

"I think so..."

Yaya look around to see the damage and notice some patterns on the ground so she then fly up to see the spaceship from above

"Fang! look here" said Yaya shock
"Separa Elang Bayang!"

Fang fly up goes beside Yaya, he look at the spaceship and shock that the spaceship leave a big footprint

"How... don't tell me that the rumor was right..." said Fang shock
"Boboiboy where are you" said Yaya looking around worried

Suddenly a light beam shot out the sky which surprised all of them

"Is that..." said Yaya surprised

"We should go there! Captain Papa! Gopal! Ying! You guys stay here and guard the spaceship, Yaya let's go"

Yaya and Fang then fly towards the light beam but suddenly the light beam is gone. They fly faster to see but they found nothing at all so they stop and land on one of the mountain rocks

"Aduh... what are we going to do..." said Yaya worried
"But that beam is not just ordinary beam right?" said Fang thinking
"That's not even Boboiboy Solar's power"
"Hmmm... it much more like a-"
"Fang! Look there!"

Yaya pointing a spaceship which to be Adudu's spaceship. They look at each other nodded and goes to the ship. They realize that the ship is empty so they go inside to look for their elemental friend. Just then, they arrived to the main control ship and see something is hiding behind table

"Who's there?!" shout Fang angry

After that something shows up which to be a power sphere with mainly blue in color looking scared at them. Yaya bend down and give a smile

"Hey... no worries, we're from TAPOPS. Who are you?" asked Yaya nicely

The power sphere shock and then fly towards Yaya and hug her

"I-I'm Icebot... help me, I was chased..."
"There there... we're here for you" said Yaya comforting
"So you're the one who send the SOS signal?" asked Fang while looking around
"Yes... because I know the one who chased me will not go back to his ship if they didn't find me"
"So... Icebot, have you seen a human boy with an orange hat around?" asked Fang bend down
"Orange hat? I only see a human boy wearing a black-red hat moments ago, he was running away from the giant golem with a great speed"

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