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On Papa Zola's Spaceship

Fang and the others are busy with the computers try to locate Boboiboy's position with panic state

"Uuuhh! We have to find him and fast!" shout Fang typing in the computer
"Haduuhhh why are the signal is not working!" said Gopal panic and worried for his best friend
"Yaya! What time is it?"
"It's... 11 PM!" said Yaya shock

"WE ONLY HAVE 1 HOUR BEFORE MIDNIGHT?!" shout Papa Zola panic
"Then we need to hurry!" said Ying typing the computer beside Fang
"AHHHH! This is getting out of hand-"

"Fang! You hear me!" shout someone from Fang's watch
"Eh?!" shout all of them surprised

Fang look at his watch which to be Boboiboy's voice

"Boboiboy! Where are y-"
"No! this is Solar, no time to explain! Hurry use this signal to track Boboiboy!" shout Solar from the watch

Fang hurriedly connect his watch through the computer and let the computer find his signal

"Still searching, it may take few minutes"
"Solar, how's Boboiboy and why your the one who contact Fang?" asked Ying
"Not good, that's why you guys need to find him before it's too late, I will explain later if you found him"
"What exactly happen?" asked Yaya went near Fang
"To short it, that giant golem is a no joke. Boboiboy is in critical condition because of that bastard and the weather here"








Boboiboy wakes up slowly with pain on his head. He look around and notice that he's like inside the cliff because he can see the sky above him which to be already dark. He look around his body and see that he was wrapped by rocks which make him can't move at all. After that he look up and see the giant golem who make him unconscious while ago. That giant golem looks standing up with his eyes closed and not moving at all.

"I need to get out from here..."

Boboiboy tried to break free by himself but he felt very weak like energy on his body is very wormed out but he force himself to activate his watch

"Kuasa Elemental... Boboiboy Solar... Lompatan Cahaya"

Solar teleport to the edge of the cliff. He transform back to normal and run from there and hide behind a mountain rock. After that he sat down, panting tiredly and shivering because of the coldness night. He look at his watch which turns out, it was 10 PM. He was unconscious for 4 hours

"But... why... am I... so... tired... guys... are you... there...?" said Boboiboy shivering while looking his watch
"Boboiboy!" shout the elementals from the hologram and worried looking at their owner tired face

"Are you okay?! What happen?!" asked Gempa panic
"I... don't know... I only remember... that he punch me and... I suddenly unconscious"
"Yeah we see that... after you unconscious, suddenly the hologram shuts. But I create it so the only one who can shuts this hologram is us and you" said Solar thinking and confused
"Did you also programmed it that if Boboiboy's lost consciousness, it will automatically shut" said Halilintar behind Solar
"Not to mention, you're very strong Abang Boboiboy so how did he just hit you once and then you suddenly unconscious?" asked Thorn holding Taufan's right arm
"I'm... also... confused..."
"Hey... did he also trap you with some rocks on your feet?" asked Taufan
"Yeah... it's the same as... Gempa's Tanah Mencengkam... but smaller version... and it only hold me... into my knee..."

"You don't think not only he control Land but also can suck energy?" asked Blaze serious behind Taufan holding his left shoulder
"Surprisingly, Blaze have a point there" said Ice behind Gempa
"What do you mean by surprising?!"
"Well I don't know about that... Gempa, can your powers suck energy?" asked Solar
"Eh? I think I can, not only me but all of us can do it you know since we're elementals" said Gempa
"That... must... be... it... then..." said Boboiboy sitting down tiredly and shivering like crazy

"Boboiboy" said Taufan worried
"It's... fine... Taufan...wait... a minute... okay" said the elemental user shivering because of the cold wind

Boboiboy stammers his voice which only make his elementals worried at him. He tried to control his breathing and close his eyes while holding both of his body to warm up. Blaze can't stand seeing his owner like that so he make Boboiboy call him so Boboiboy use his last strength to turn into Blaze while calling his elemental soul. Blaze then collect some rocks and then make fire with it which make his surroundings quite warm, after that he turn back to normal which make Boboiboy didn't shiver anymore but he still feel quite cold due to the weather

"Okay Boboiboy... you can talk slowly and don't push yourself" said Halilintar grim but Boboiboy (and maybe Gempa and Taufan) can sense that he looks very worried
"Yes Halilintar... Thank you Blaze, I feel warm now" said Boboiboy smile
"Next time call Ice okay so at least you're not getting too much of the cold" said Blaze serious
"Okay thank you, so about that, I think he also can suck my energy but not mostly mine"
"Hm?" asked seven of them
"I think he can suck my energy because he sense my earth elemental powers which is you Gempa"

Seven of them look shock especially Gempa and Solar.

"That's... quite possible, this planet mostly rocks which is land. Gempa's power which is earth element or should I say, land element is very connected here" said Solar
"So... is it because of me...?" asked Gempa stammers holding his fist"
"No Gempa, seven of us are one power for Boboiboy. Boboiboy who control us so it means it's 1/7 of his powers are your powers" said Solar holding Gempa's shoulder
"Yeah Gempa, it's not your fault, you are here the longest with Boboiboy so it's normal for that big guy sense us, the elementals" said Taufan
"Ahhh... but why Boboiboy looks very weak... like...." Gempa stop his words and look at Boboiboy worried

"Like when me and the other four survive the near death situation few weeks ago?" asked Boboiboy smile
"It's a nightmare for me, Solar and Halilintar okay..."
"Sorry sorry, so yeah now the problem is... I don't think I have enough energy to fight him alone or even run away"
"Can you still call us? You also use me earlier without calling my soul up and you still able to call Blaze out earlier?" asked Solar
"I think I can..."
"Call Halilintar or Solar then Boboiboy, since you need to move far away from there" said Ice

Boboiboy stands up and ready to call his elemental until suddenly he felt his arm and feet were trap by the land and trap by the mountain rock

"Boboiboy!" shout seven of them
"Uhh! I'm stuck!"

Suddenly the giant golem goes in front of him with an angry look. He bend down looking at Boboiboy furiously

"You are very nasty little mice. I'm impressed that you can escape that prison rock of mine" said the giant golem sarcastic

Boboiboy shock looking at the golem in front of him. He tried to let go of the rocks but he can't because it's too powerful

"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" shout Boboiboy angry
"Well there little mice, I'm the guardian of the planet that you step on without permission"
"I-I'm sorry okay. Me and my friend got a S.O.S signal coming from this planet and the one who sends it says that there can only be one person of each day to enter this planet so we thought he already enter from yesterday"
"Well it's true about it. But here's the problem, you're the third one who enter this planet so that makes you a criminal for violating my planet rules"

"Uhh but I don't know about it!"
"Indeed you don't know, I was going to let you go because you're not making any harm of this planet. But..."

The giant golem then touch the land which suddenly make the rocks that holding him glows. The rocks also make Boboiboy's body glow and suck that glowing light from his body which to be his energy

"AHHH!" shout Boboiboy painfully
"You're energy are so tasty, I don't mind to eat you all day" said the giant golem laughing evilly

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