I swear to god this boy is testing me!!! Fuck him.
I slapped him again (bhaddie 🤟🏼) "Cale e buca!" I said in Portuguese,no one understood except me and nat. Cuz she knows a lil Portuguese. (I said shut up)
"I just came over here to see how my friend is. So fuck you!" I said while walking away to nat
Natalia just stood there in awe
"Your such a whore yk!" Mattia yelled
I walked all the way over to him and got all up in his face and whispered in his ear
"Don't ever call me that shit again or I'll fuck you up" I said (again bhaddie 🤟🏼)
I flipped him off and went inside with nat.
"That was everything!" Nat said
"Ik I'm such a bhaddie" I said with a smirk on my face
Mattia POV:
"Don't ever call me that shit again or I'll fuck you up" y/n whispered in my ear
God shes so hot! Wtf why did I call her that, I'm such an ass! There is litterly something wrong with me,I was just so mean to the one girl I like.... omg I like y/n! Welp she doesent like me. I ruined it! What's wrong with me!
Skip to after school,still mattias POV:
"Yo wtf is wrong with me!" I said to ale and kairi as we walked out of school
"Bruh she told you" kairi said
"Yeah Ik,I think I like her" I said
"Mattia likes a girl,omg" ale said
"Stfu that's why your crippled" I said
"Stfu" ale said
Y/n POV:
I saw mattia,ale and kairi walk out of school and i dident stare cuz I dident want to get caught.
"Yeah" Nat said
"Can I stay at your house tonight?" I asked
"Mhm ofc"
"Ok thx,can we stop at my house rq to get some clothes?"
When I got to my house I got my clothes and changed into this ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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(Cuz I do be lazy and we are just gonna stay at Nats all night so it dosent matter)
When we got to natalias we took a nap,then I woke up and took a shower.