This Story is about 4 friends who never meet or saw each other but will destiny brought them together ? will they ever see each other? will their dreams of going to a concert together fulfill?
[Titles credit to: Yinna and Evelyne]
It has been 12 hours since we were in the plane and to be honest it was kinda boring
"Finally!!!!Land" I shouted grabbing the attention of some people but I didn't care and so did Evelyne.After getting our luggage we went into a taxi and went to our new house. "I can't feel my back anymore Unnie ;No one ever told me travelling by plane is that tiring" I whined and get a small laugh from my Unnie😳.(Don't be confused Evie is 2 years younger than me but she act as my elder sister that's why i call her unnie)
Once arrived , I was shocked and mesmerized by the house and I let a nervous laugh and scratch my neck😅Cause I know am going to be scolded. "WHAT DID I TOLD YOU"my lovely unnie said after paying the driver. "Let's get inside first maybe it's not that big " I smile innoncently
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Once inside I could feel her eyes glaring at my soul for not listening to her.All of a sudden she started running after me " COME HERE YOU LITTLE ...." She shouted louder than bombs😆..."MIANHAE UNNIE..MIANHAE"....we continued running for like 5 minutes then threw ourselves on the comfy couch..We started laughing but the EVIE: " Hannah you know that you shouldn't bought such a big house right ?" HANNAH:"but Unnie I want us to live like we dreamt of and don't worry no loan was taken , I promise " EVIE:" Fine I trust you"
(If you wonder how I could bought a house like that without loan then let me tell you .. I worked in an airways agency remember and i get paid really well even Evie😏)
After our conversion we went to our respective room(too tired to do a house visit)..."AM GOING TO KILL YOU " ..."I LOVE YOU TOO UNNIE" I said while rushing to my room before am really dead😂...she really act like an Eomma no wonder why I love her soo much🙂...After changing into my pyjama I drifted into a slumber.I just wish I would never wake up from this sleep , it's soo peaceful and at least no one could hurt you - I thought while tears were dropping .
《Next day 🌄》
"Wake up now sleeping beauty we have a lot to do today"My lovely Unnie said while shaking me .."10 more minutes please..." "No , am preparing breakfast and we have an important job to do today"she said a bit serious now. After she left I woke up remembering about the "job"
Evelyne's pov I was preparing breakfast until i got a flashback. Me and Hannah we're actually friends since 8 years and she never change . She would always smile and act childishly whenever we met .After the fight with one of the ex-best friend , she stop smiling and when she smile it was never a real one and that hurted me to see her in pain. This was a secret between me and her sister ; to move here and make her forget about her bad memories with that stupid girl 😤. But I hope everything goes as we planned 3 years ago
Back to Hannah pov I did my morning routine and change into this :
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I decided to wear something simple as I was not really in the mood . I went downstairs and the nice smell of the breakfast was taking over my nose.."Am really nervous Unnie ; what if they don't agree" I said while eating. "Don't worry , I'll take care of that part after breakfast" . I did the dishes while Evie was in the backyard making a call which I already who it was...
Evie's pov I was talking on the phone when I saw my dongsaeng watching me nervously while doing the dishes...I was talking to Yinna's and Maize's Unnie Mom to ask to the permission and they agree and agree on keeping it as a secret as well😥
I decided to prank Hannah by saying that they didn't agree but seeing her like that made me tell her the truth and I didn't regret it as she was smiling and jumping like a 3 year old . I never saw a genuine smile on her face since that incident . Hannah:"unnie can we go shopping please😯"
Hannah:"We can't welcome our future guest without some gifts right?😏"
Evelyne:"fine be ready in 15 minutes and meet me at the garage"
Hannah pov I went in my room fixing my make up which took 10 minutes and grab my bag and run to the garage...I saw my lovely Unnie beside the car .. "Damn unnie you're stunning"
Her outfits
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After all the compliments , we drove to Pavilion Mall , it's located in Kuala Lampur not too far from our house .
Once arriving we were surprised😰... The mall was bigger comparing to those we had in our hometown..We went inside and was dumbfounded to where to go it was sooooo big..
Then we decided to go to the Channel store... we bought perfumes , handbags , clothes and beauty products....Then we proceed to the next store which was Gucci ... we bought mostly clothes there just like we did in the previous store... Half of our day ended in doing shopping and it worth it ...
We went to MCdonalds before moving to the last store (Food is life🍔🍟)...After eating we went to a Kpop store and bought some special gifts for our best friends😶...I was never happy in my life .
After we bought everything needed including some groceries as well we headed back home .We put all the gifts in one of the other rooms as we were too tired to seperate them ..After that I jump on my bed and drifted to sleep without even saying goodnight to my unnie as it was a really long amd tiring day😥
I hope everything goes as plan ....💜
Dear best friends,
Fight me,argue with me, curse me , blame me or do whatever
But never give up on me
My life will be incomplete without you I want our bond to be the same , forever ❤