Suprise Meeting

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《Saturday Morning🌄》

Hannah's pov
I woke up with the sun rays hitting my face . I smile remembering the nickname "sunshine"... I mumbled happy saturday to myself and my eyes grew wide when I realised what I just said."It's finally the day" i said excitedly.

I rushed downstairs to prepare breakfast as Unnie was still sleeping. After 30 minutes , everything was ready and I run do Evelyne's room and jump on her bed waking her up.

Right after she woke up she came to the dining room and ate breakfast. I could say she was Jungshook from her expression.

Evie : " did you really cook these ?"

Me : " Yes , why ? Is it bad ?"

Evie : " no , it's really delicious ; but am wondering how did you manage not to burn the kitchen😂"...she laughed

Me : " Yah!!!! Unnie"

After breakfast , we did the dishes and went upstairs to get ourselves ready ...Before showering I glanced at the time and it was 7 am . I took all my time to shower and wore a simple outfit and tie my hair into a messy bun (I really like the messy bun style)

 I took all my time to shower and wore a simple outfit and tie my hair into a messy bun (I really like the messy bun style)

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Evie's pov

After showering , I wore something comfy and simple :

After that I went to the room where we placed all the gifts and grab 2 bags with special gifts inside and went to the living room only to see an excited girl on the couch

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After that I went to the room where we placed all the gifts and grab 2 bags with special gifts inside and went to the living room only to see an excited girl on the couch .

"You're looking pretty ; I wonder when you're gonna get yourself a boyfriend🙄"

"Thanks Unnie ; you're looking pretty too but am never going to date😐"

After all the compliments we went inside the car and drove to starbucks as it was almost 9.00 am.

Hannah's pov

Evie parked the car and we got out . She was holding a camera and I was totally confused.

"What are you doing with this Unnie".

"To eat at starbucks😑"she said sarcastically.

"Of course to capture and record all of these moments😊"

Evie was recording me since outside the Cafe but when I saw Inna and Maize I run to them and hugged them as if there were no tomorrow.We were literally crying as we could finally meet after 6 whole years😢.We ordered 4 iced Caramel Macchiato and sat down only to be shot with a lot of questions

"When did you both come?"
"Why didn't you tell us anything?"
"When are you living"
"You know who much i wanted to see you both"

After they were done with their questions .Evie explained to them everything from the beginning. they were kinda surprised knowing we planned that since 3 years ago😉.

Inna : " but why are you meeting us now when you arrived 5 days ago"

Me:"Are you not happy"i said with a fake sad face.

Inna:"No sis that's not wh-"

Evie cut her off by showing to bags which left them dumbfounded.😄

"Who would bought you that if we met 5 days ago and it wouldn't be a surprise" Evie said while giving them their gifts.

They jumped on us showing how much happy they were with the gifts

They jumped on us showing how much happy they were with the gifts

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There were a lot of BTS photocards and other gifts too.. It made me smile know how happy they were.After the waiter gave us our drinks,we talked a lot about how we planned all of that and we even told them about our jobs which will resumed in 2 months..

Evie obviously capture all those moments .We really enjoyed the day , it was really fun.

This chapter is a shorter than the previous one but I hope you liked it😄
And none of the pictures belong to me

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