Oh christmas tree oh christmas tree...

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I looked down in dismay.
How could she have done this? I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it. And yet, there it was. All five feet of it.
I swung my gaze accusingly towards my mother.
"How could you?".
Unsurprisingly, she didn't even have the decency to look ashamed of herself. It was as though she couldn't understand why I was so upset. Why I was so devastated. There she was acting all normal when she had just broken the most important Christmas tradition of all.
She had bought a Christmas tree on her own.
From Asda no less.

With almost laughable timing, the tiny tree began to tilt backwards, before landing in a pitiful heap on the floor. Great. My mother had ruined Christmas before it had even begun.
"I don't see what your upset about. It's just a tree for crying out loud. Grow up already. "

I just intensified my glare.

"It may be just a tree to you, but to me it's something special. It needs to be perfect, it needs to be beautiful and it needs to be picked out by the whole family like we ALWAYS do every year. Or had you forgotten that? You've just ruined 20 years of tradition and it's like you don't even care!"

"Well I don't. Because funnily enough, that was always your tradition and not mine. I think it's immature and stupid."she glared haughtily at me from down her nose.

"Well if my family is too immature and stupid for you, maybe you should just leave"
Now wait, before you go all judging on me let me explain something. Cynthia, or my "mother" was actually my step-mother. She had married my dad five years ago, bringing with her a spoilt brat of a son and had done her best to ruin my life ever since. I was under no illusions. I knew I didn't fit in with her idea of a perfect family, but I'd be damned if I let her get rid of me. Oh no, if anyone was going to go it would be her.

"Really Holly that is quite enough!" Her eyes gleamed viciously for a moment "wait till I tell you father" her voice was smug with victory.

Or so she thought. I had the upper hand here, and I would make sure she knew it. Her eyes widened when she got my look of victory.

"Ah but you see, my father will be on my side. After all, who do you think started the tradition hmmm? "

With a humph, she flounced out of the room.
Ha! Holly 1, Cynthia 0.

My face settled in to a content grin, but then I happened to glance at the tree from the corner of my eye.
Damn, that thing was ugly.
I could feel a headache coming on.

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