Chapter 11: E U P H O R I A

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[a condition of feeling well; good health]

She thought she was in a dream; she had everything she had ever wanted.

As soon as she opened her eyes, for a moment she thought it was finally a reality. She wanted to believe that she was in the middle of a rundown hotel in Japan, buck naked with Jon Moxley's light snores filling the room, and herself wrapped so tightly around with his strong arms.

As her fingers moved, she was genuinely surprised to feel he was real. He was here besides her. The tears couldn't help but fall from her cheeks as she realized the reality that she was now facing him. She had slept in the same room as the man after finding out the truth. Even after having sex with the man last night, she was uncertain with what that would mean for their relationship now—was there still a possibility of one.

"You look so hot, deep in thought." He muttered with his eyes still closed.

She rolled her eyes pushing away from the man but he pulled her even closer to his naked chest. She felt the calm she never thought she could feel smelling him, the familiar scent of his scent and fading cologne. She finally found her home in him.

"You're still an asshole after all these years."

"And you're still the bitch that I'm so madly in love with." He smirked wiping away the tears that had fell from her cheeks. "I fucking hate seeing you like this—because of me."

"Can we move past this?" she questioned. It wasn't their past that dictated their life anymore, it was the present. Her position in the company and Jon's own as one of the top performers in the company. She was still incapable of actually telling Jon of the daughter they had together knowing she was still walking on thin ice about everything going on.

"We can make it work—if you still want. We made it work in WWE."

"This isn't WWE and it's because of WWE that we're both hurt like this."

"Then we can make it work." He decided sitting up and pulling her to his lap in one swoop taking her by surprise. "We both know the shit show WWE had become and we made it work, this isn't any different. We've got no one stopping us for anything."

He was right, but still.

"If you want to make it work, then I'll do everything to make it work."

It was then that she realized that he was giving her all the power to make the decisions.

"Promise me that will be the last time you'd do something so stupid, Jon." She pleaded. She couldn't take it anymore if he turns his back on her once again. Her heart wouldn't take it anymore.

"No more secrets, Princess. I promise." He smiled and the way his smile made him much younger that he actually was, it was the smile she had grown to love. "I love you too much to lose you again."

"I love you too, Mox." She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck. "More than I ever thought I could."

The feeling of his calloused hands against her back sent prickles through her spine. She knew what it meant but as soon as she looked at the clock, she knew she didn't have the given time to continue with what Jon was planning.

"I need to get ready." She whispered, pulling away from Jon once again.

"Ready for what?"

"I got to talk to some of NJPW's executives. I'm striking a deal with them." She pointed out finally slipping out of the bed. "As much as I love you, Mox, that's not the only reason I'm here." She smirked, she wasn't going to tell the man it was and the deal with NJPW was just an afterthought.

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