54 - punishment

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I'm startled by a hand grabbing the fabric of my shirt and I calm down when I notice that it's Ripley. She seems more composed now instead of completely distraught.

"I saw Taehyung carrying Via, they're on their way home, look," she pulls me towards the window where three figures are leaving Hemlock. Verose is with them too. A dark brown wolf is chasing after them.

"Is that Jackson?" I'm hopeful and Ripley nods with a sigh as she turns her attention onto her injured mate. Yoongi is also in rough shape and I can't help but think of Braelynn stuck at home worrying, but safe.

Every wolf has their attention on the Moon Goddess who has no expression on her face except sadness and maybe a little anger.

A few wolves shift back into human form and I recognize many of Juniper lying in their own blood next to members of Hemlock who are the same. There's tension as they stare at each other as if an attack will still happen.

"Where's Jungkook? Akira? What about-?" Ripley cuts me off.

"They're here, are you okay Viola? Did you hit your head? Maybe you're in shock...here, sit down, the Moon Goddess will take care of everything." I'm tense as I sit down by the window. All I want is to go home with Seokjin and the others. I want things to go back to how they were without Hemlock.

"...," the Moon Goddess releases a quiet breath before raising her hands, light flows from her fingers and surrounds everyone.

The dizziness in my body disappears and I can see more clearly.

Ripley is holding Namjoon's hand and his wounds are closing up.

I turn my head and am surprised to see Chanyeol floating from the hole he created. From the way he's angled, bones are broken, but they're quickly healed and his arm and his legs go back into place.

Jungkook is leaning against the wall and clutching his chest, he's closer to Seokjin who is laying on the floor as if he's asleep. Akira is laying by his side with a long gash running up her leg which is quickly disappearing before it's gone.

I don't see Wren or Siann, and I don't see Hoseok or Jimin. Did they stay behind?

Soon enough, everyone is healed. The Moon Goddess has all of Hemlock in a line before her with their heads bowed. They all look remorseful, except for Joonmyeon who is shaking from rage.

The Moon Goddess stares down at him in thought before breathing out a sigh and waving a hand through the air. Joonmyeon's head snaps up and his eyes widen in confusion before they're replaced with horror.

"This is what would have happened if I had not intervened," she whispers, and tears are falling down Joonmyeon's cheeks from the vision only he is witnessing.

The Moon Goddesses yellow eyes land on me and for a split second I see it. Fire. The forest is burning down, spreading to each pack, and destroying all of the life. That only seems to be a fraction of what Joonmyeon has seen and I don't want to know.

"Yixing, Luhan, and Yifan, please step aside. You will be exempt from this punishment." Their eyes widen a fraction before Luhan and Yixing stand beside me and Ripley while Yifan finds his place next to Isla. Not many of the pack have a mate. I can only see two others besides Isla.

I gasp quietly when a hand comes and gently grabs my shoulder to catch my attention. Seokjin. I embrace him immediately, my face buried in his chest and his arms wrap around me, making me feel secure after everything that's happened.

"For your punishment, I will be revoking your gifts and you will be unable to use them again until you are worthy enough for them. And, if any of you try to harm another wolf because you find them unnatural, which is an offense to me, you will lose the gift of having a mate. Not even Ripley will be able to see them. This is your only chance to make things right and if you mess up, there will not be any second chances." She ends up growling, her eyes glowing brighter.

They all nod and some of them fall to their knees in shock.

The Moon Goddess looks satisfied and with a snap of her fingers glowing light begins to flow out of them. Chanyeol's eyes which were once full of fire have dulled down. He closes them. Many of them do the same, feeling different, and unlike themselves.

"I gave certain wolves gifts to be used for order, yes, but not as a way to exterminate different wolves. You all were supposed to protect not destroy." The Moon Goddess sighs again and with one last look to the rest of us, she disappears.

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