01 // she was eager

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Everyone was grateful on what nature has given them, when summer flourished upon their very bodies of glint, and gleaming hope, when spring flooded the meadows with brilliant coloured flowers which were hard not to look at, when autumn poured in its warm colours, like it was making a red themed leaf festival. Now it was winter, the season when white piles of snow scattered around the city's surface, when snowflakes flutter down and descend into water, it was everyone's appeasement.

Through a group of pine trees, they were mottled with heavy snow on their strong branches. It was awfully peaceful – with nature's music and the birds singing, it could be like an orchestra!

Time passed, and the forest was still bombing with peaceful sounds, persistent as it is. Like a continuous orchestra, that runs by forever; not to sound strangely redundant.  Judging by the view, would it sound odd when you picture it as a 'Winter Sonata'? Minus the instruments, but that word just seemed to fit through the view.

It was common to be curious, excited, or even scared to something new, and it was easy to suddenly lose interest to it. But we all know that someone could still keep their liking on that hobby, regardless of sudden predicaments they can make with it – it would continue being the something they want to do.

Delicate fingers softly caressed the violin with a bow laying beside it, as well resting on the wooden oak table. She was surprised at the slightest to see the wooden instrument remain intact for all these years, but even if it was untouched – selfish pests might crawl up and ruin it. But she was glad it was unharmed, she managed to take a hold of the seemingly heavy object and began to play pegs, tuning it for it to play harmonic notes like it used to.

Despite of her knowing how to tune the instrument, it's expected for her to not be an beginner on the violin. But her talent says the contrary, she's an amateur. A good thing that she knows a few songs for it, but expect that it's for beginners.

Her peaceful content was disturbed as a truck pulled back loudly not so far from her driveway; she placed down the violin and stepped forth to stare down of her window. She managed to take a good look of the truck's logo, despite her distance from it.

"Gotta Move It All?" the girl whispered out. She found that name out of the ordinary, she honestly expected for a more professional name. But what got her attention is who is going to be her neighbour? Her old neighbour was a kind old lady being cared by a middle-aged woman, they were the sweetest people in town, sadly they moved away for a more peaceful environment.

She waited for her new neighbours to come out from the truck, she quite expected for a small family that consisted of two siblings and their parents, like a normal family would have. Finally, a young man hopped out from the truck, and this suddenly made her lean into the windows for a better look.

He had light brown hair which perfectly complements his hazel eyes, and she couldn't help but get hypnotized by them and ask herself. Does he hide an ulterior motive? A neutral frown that somehow made her thought that he was not impressed.

The young man turned and held his hand out, his hand met the other, which revealed a fairly young middle-aged woman – she must be his mother. She hopped down with the help of her son, the girl in the attic waited for the other family members to come out, but only to see none else hopped out.

"Ayako "Leaf" Hayashi!" a voice called out from below, it was slightly shrill but it still sounded calm.

Ayako's mother must have been worried, because of Ayako's recklessness to seclude herself in the attic just to check in her violin. "Yes, mom?" she called back, striding to the hatch for her mother to hear her.

"Come down here, please." her mother replied, her calm tone remained.

"Must be another errand to do," Ayako thought with a smile, she turned back to look at the instrument that was still on the table, making nothingness as its sound. She flicked the lights out and climbed down the ladder, whilst closing the hatch.

Ayako walked through the hallway then down the stairs, to see her mother waiting patiently for her coming. "What is it?" Ayako said, her voice gentle to show respect to her mother.

 Her mother, Michiko, gave a faint smile, "I just thought it would be nice to visit our new neighbours, despite of their current cramming state, haha." she laughed and shrugged on her jacket, "Get your jacket, Leafy!"

Leafy was a nickname her mother gave her since birth, and Ayako wasn't bothered by it. She thought of it as a leaf from nature, and they were commonly graceful.

Ayako sprinted up to the stairs and through the hallway, her eagerness took over her to meet her new neighbours.

Hey guys, sorry to cut it short! :x

But, that's me. Stalking around, writing stuff, then suddenly stop writing from the lack of motivation, or maybe because I'm lazy. Trust me, I still have the inspiration from this. I find inspiration and motivation different, so don't judge.

YES, FIRE COMES INTO THE SCENCE. *nudges him to teach leafy how to violin*

Oh and sorry for too much detail, it could kill. Seriously, they can. X.x


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