Chapter 13

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Ali P.O.V

The heartbreak you feel when you ask the question if the person you love is going to die. I felt that today when the person I love the most got hurt. It hurts to think about it too much. How this of could happened to her.


I woke up to my beautiful girlfriend kissing me. I haven’t touched her in days because she has been in pure pain. I haven’t left her side. Emily and I have forgiven the girls; Emily needed the girls right now. You can tell every day that she misses them. She misses her mum so much but her mum doesn’t seem to care about her one single bit.  Emily cries to sleep most nights because she is so scared. Emily pushed me back down on the bed; Emily begins to sucks my neck but then quickly stops and runs off to the bathroom. I hear the vomiting and I quickly go after her, She looks so fragile and weak. I hate seeing her like this, I’m trying to find some Panadol for Emily but I can’t seem to find any we probably run out.

“Hey babe, I need to run down to the chemist to get some more Panadol. Will you be okay?” I question Emily. She simply just nodded but I couldn’t leave her like this. I text Spencer telling her to come over and look after Em while I go to the Chemist. I give Emily a kiss on the forehead

“Spencer will be over in a couple of minutes I won’t be too long.” I told her

“Ali  ... I love you” Emily spoke quietly.

“I love you to Em” I hopped in my car and headed to the chemist. Once I got there I got a call from Spencer

Spencer-  Hey Ail, Where is Emily?                                                                                                                     Ali- Spencer she was in the bathroom vomiting when I left . Spencer you are scaring me.                       Spencer- Ali she is not in house.                                                                                                                           Ali- NO SHE HAS TO BE SPENCER. I WILL BE RIGHT THERE                                                                                                                                        

As soon as I hung up the phone one Spencer I got a text “LOOK WHO I FOUND. THE LONGER IT TAKES TO FIND HER THE QUICKER SHE GETS HURT KISSES –A “. I Froze at the picture I saw on my phone. Emily was tied up in a basement with blood coming from her head. I screamed and cried. I quickly sent a text to all the girls “SOS AT MINE NOW QUICKLY”  When I got back to my house all girls were there and they had all received the same text I had received.

Ali- We need to find her now

Spencer- One step ahead of you.

Aria-That basement look so familiar.

Hanna- Guys it is the basement at Noel's Cabin.

Ali- Quickly lets go

We all hopped into my car and drove to Noel’s Cabin.. I’m going to kill –A with my bare hands when I get a hold of her/him. I sprint out of the car to find Emily. The basement door is locked so me and all the girls start to freak out. We all run at the door and it breaks. I see Emily lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

A: Well look the whole family came to see you die.

Ali: Don't you dare hurt her

A: Why not. I have an idea what about i kill you instead of your girlfriend. Then Emily, Noel and the baby can live happily ever after.

Hanna: you are so sick, Leave us alone

A: You would love that would you? A life without me. Hate to break to you Hanna but that isn't going to happen.

Ali: Kill me but don't you dare touch Em.

A: HAHA. You think it was going to be that easy well its not. I want you to watch her suffer in pain..

A grabbed a gun and pointed it at Emily. BANG! I looked at A Emily but she didn’t seem to get shoot or hurt. Then I saw the body of –A fall to the ground with a thud. I ran over to Emily and called 911.


They took her into surgery as sson as we got to the hospital. I’m so scared when I got to Emily she didn’t move or speak. I have been pacing up and down this hallway for the past hour. I keep asking the doctor for an update but they wont tell me anything. I feel useless.

“Alison Dilaurentis” A doctor spoke quickly walked over to him and he lead me to a room.

“Miss Fields is in a very critical state. The baby she is caring seems to be okay for now. We are very worried that Emily won’t pull through.” The Doctor said

“Is she going to die?” I questioned the Doctor with tears in my eyes.

“We honestly don’t know. She is a strong girl she might be able to pull through.” The Doctor replied. I left the room and walked to the other girls. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. This can’t be happening not to Emily. I’m on the ground on my knees crying. The girls quickly pull me up and told me. I can’t live without Emily.

Emily P.O.V

Goodbye …

Hope you guys like this Chapter. Sorry about you having to wait so long  for an update. I’m going to try and update Every day from now on. Can you guys please go and read delta_goodrem_lover story it would mean a lot. Thanks guys xx

Emison - Is this RealDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora