Chapter 11

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Emily P.O.V

I’m going back to school today and I am scared. I’ve only missed a week but it feels like a month haven’t told anyone else about the baby not even the girls, I’m just hoping that – A doesn’t tell the girls before I have the chance to. I have English first period with all the girls.

“Hey beautiful” Ali said while hugging me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine I’m just a bit scared that’s all” I replied. Ali then kissed me on the lips.

“I’m here to protect both of you” Ali spoke. I love her for saying that, Ali is not going to let me go through this on my own.

***In English ***

I felt sick to my stomach. I text Ali

Emily- Hey babe x I really feel sick to the stomach

Alison- Hey beautiful x Baby go to bathroom if you feel sick. I will come with you.

Emily- Thanks babe xx

I went up to the front of the class room to talk to Mr. Fitz.

“Mr. Fitz can I please go to the bath room, I feel really sick” I told Mr. Fitz

“Of course, Would you like to take Ali with you” He replied

“Yes please, Thank you” I replied back.

Ali came to the bathroom with me .I ran ahead and vomited. Ali came in and tied my hair back.

“I’m really getting tired of this” I told Ali

“I know babe, I know” Ali replied. Ali and I walked back to class and took our seats.

***At Lunch***

Ali and I walked to the table and saw the girls sitting there already took my seat next to Ali. I got all weird looks from the girl.

“Hey guys” I said. They all just looked down at their plates and ignored me.

“Guys Em said hey” Ali told them, but still nothing they just kept looking down at their plates.

“Guys why are you ignoring us” I questioned all the girls.

“Well … maybe you would know if you were here last week, but no you two were both too busy with another to come to school” Hanna spoke.

Ali and I just looked at each other with a confused look.

“What are you talking about?” I questioned Hanna.

“We got pictures every day from –A of you two kisses and hugging at Ali’s house” Spencer explained.

“What are you trying to say?” Ali questioned all the girls.

“You guys skipped school all last week so you could just do it each other.” Hanna bellowed.

“Are you serious? Ali and I didn’t just take the week off to do each other. You’re wrong. And you all could of come over to make sure we were okay but you didn’t. I’ve been throwing up nonstop all week and Ali has been looking after me and I am so thankful for that, Ali is always there for me,” I raised my voice to get my message across.

“Well were was she two years ago?” Questioned Hanna. I was so angry at Hanna, I raised my hand to her face and hit her.

“How can you say that about Ali.She been here for me and the b…” I quickly stopped myself from saying it.

Ali and I headed for our next class.

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you Emily, I regret hurting you. I love you so much Em and nothing is going to change that. I want you to know I’m never going to leave you ever.” Ali said while tears running down her face. I pulled Ali into a hug.

***12 Week Scan***

The girls have been texting both Ali and I saying that they are sorry for everything. But I can’t just forgive them like that, they hurt me a lot.

“Miss Fields, Come right this way ” The Doctor stated. I grabbed Ali hand and followed the doctor into the room.

I lay down on the bed and squeeze Ali hand.

“Miss Fields, The baby is doing perfectly fine. Would you like two pictures?” The Doctor stated.

“Yes please” I replied. The doctor left the room to go and get the pictures and came back with them.

“We will call you to make your next appointment.” The Doctor told me

:”Thank you so much Doctor” I replied

Ali drove back to her house well I guess it’s my house as well since my mum kicked me out.

“Ali, this is for you” I said while taking the picture out of my hand.

“Em… Are you sure?” Ali questioned me.

“Yes this is your baby as well” I replied

“I love you so much Em”

“I love you more Ali” I leaned in a kissed Ali. We both pulled away and looked at each other. Then both of our phones vibrated

Ali isn’t the only one who got a picture. What will everyone think when the found out sweet innocent Emily is Pregnant - A

Emison - Is this RealDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora