Big Time Girls (chapter 3)

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James POV

Ive decided lunch detentions not my thing. Its horrible....all you do is sit here in silence and eat.

 At least most of my time is occupied by looking at Morgan. Its seems like she doesnt really like me though. I mean, when she caught me looking at her, I waved and she just turned around in disgust.

 I thought when your famous everyones supposed to like you. Hmm. Guess thats wrong.

 . Morgans POV

Jeez. I think  James is crazy or something. He keeps loo ing at me like a frea . "Somethings seriously wrong with that boy," I thought as I ate my lunch with Taylor.

 Taylors POV

"Oh my god.....if he looks at me one more time i swear im going to go beat the crap out of him" said Morgan.

I nodded in agreement that she should since my mouth was full with my chocolate chip cookie.

 I looked at my lunch, it consisted of a PB & J sandwich, chocolate pudding, chocolate chip cookies, and a string cheese.

 I sighed and turned around because I felt someone staring at me. "What in the hell?!" I thought.

 Kendall's staring at ME. Why. Me?!? I turned back around and looked at Morgan. "Kendalls staring at me..." I whispered to her.

"oh my god he is...." she whispered back. " Why is he staring at me?! isnt he going out with Jo?!"  "ya, manwhore..." she whispered back, I laughed.


Yay! Third chapter done! I wrote this one and chapter 1. My friend KittehKittehMeow wrote the second one. I think I fixed all the K's...not sure. Well, chapter 4 will be up in a bit. 

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