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Taehyung POV

"Run," jimin screamed and we started running away from the hungry lion which was chasing us from behind. We ran through the grassy meadows, we kept on falling because of the slippery mud but kept pushing because we didnt want to die, we still had to see Jungkook but him being alive is slim due to all the dangerous obstacles in this island.

"LUCAS, YOU BIG SOFT BALL, STOP RIGHT THERE," a familiar voice made us turn back to see the lion sitting like an obedient dog. A boy came and hugged the lion," Lucas, dont go and chase tourists away because they might save us from this place," the boy told to the lion as the lion licked his face.

"Excuse me, who are you," I asked the boy, he turned and faced us, my heart stopped beating.

"Jungkook," jimin told, he was a bit different, he had the same doe eyes, sharp jawline, pink lips, button nose and muscular body but his hair was a bit longer and had blue dye on the tips of his hair, his cheek bones were slightly protruding, in short he looked more mature since we last saw him.

"Get straight to the point, why are you here, if it is just to apologize than you have come to the wrong place," he asked in cold, deep voice with a slight Busan accent which just made him hotter than he already was.

"Jung-kookie, we have come to take you back. The rest of the members are looking for you. We are sorry for treating you in a bad way before-," jimin started but was interrupted by jungkook who was smiling as if he just saw a bunny.

"Jin hyung is here," he asked while giving us a big bunny smile but it turned into a frown," did he care about me after I was kicked out?"

"Once he found out that you were out he got super mad and gave us an earful. Jungkook, jin hyung was not at fault, we were, so, dont do anything to him because we are the reason you are like this," jimin told.

"You guys are damn right but where is he now," jungkook asked, there was a little bit a worry laced in his cold tone.

"North of the island, why,"

"shit. get on Lucas because he is in danger," jungkook told with cold eyes while getting on to the lion, I got on it and wrapped my hands around his waist as jimin did the same for mine and the lion started running.

I kept my hands firm on his muscular body as the lion began to increase its speed but suddenly it came to a halt in front a big canyon with a drop that could kill anyone. The atmosphere was quiet and dangerous.

"What happened?" Jimin asked but Jungkook just told us to be quiet and got off Lucas. A high pitched scream cut through the blanket of silence and Jungkook ran to the source of noise with two small knives he had retrieved from his back pocket.

Me and jimin ran after him because the scream sounded like Jin hyungs.

We found namjoon hyung and jin hyung in the middle while hyenas circled them, my hands started shaking and before a whimper could come out of my mouth, jungkook pulled me and jimin away from that area.

"Here is the plan. You and jimin stay here and I will fight this and save them," he told us with a serious voice.

"But we want to help plus you cant fight 8 hyenas by yourself,"  jimin stated while I nodded.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I have been stuck on this island for an year and I know this place and those creatures better than you.  The  only man who actually helped me is in danger, so if you follow me and die, I couldn't care less but I need to save him," jungkook told and got up.

"Oh and more thing, I don't love you guys anymore. You could say that this place has made me forget what love is," with that he left. I was shocked and heartbroken, tears fell down my cheek in waterfalls.

He doesn't love us anymore and we are to blame.

Jungkook POV

I left taehyung and jimin and made my way to where jin hyung and namjoon were. It was true that I had forgotten what love was. When I first came to this island, I was hurt physically and mentally but Lucas cured me even though he was just an animal which I tamed.

I shook all the memories away and yelled at the hyenas," I am over here, you bitches,"

"Jungkookie," jin hyung whispered but I just kept on looking at the hyenas hoping that they would be scared of my eyes which held dominance but they didnt even budge.

"Run to jimin and taehyung. They aren't that far and impossible to miss," i told them and they took off when the hyenas weren't looking.

Lets begin the fun, shall we. I smirked and stabbed the nearest hyena but another one had jumped on my back and tore my only shirt into shirts. After that I saw red.

I ducked underneath one of the hyenas which tried to attack me then stabbed its upper belly, the rest of the hyenas seeing the dead body of their leader, ran away.

I left victorious and made my way to my ex band members, hoping that they would just leave me alone and leave. The reason of their arrival was just too obvious, they just wanted me back in the band for my talents and not because they loved me because if they had loved me they wouldn't have kicked me out.

I cleansed my bloody knife on the ground and then took my shredded shirt before going to them.


We saw jimin and taehyung sitting underneath a tree, so we went over there.

"Where is Jungkook," jimin asked.

"He told he would come after he killed those hyenas," namjoon stated with tears running down his face.

"jungkook said that he doesn't love us anymore and trusts only jin hyung," taehyung said with tears, even jimin looked like as if he was going to burst into tears any moment.

Suddenly, Yoongi and Hoseok came to us with scared faces,"why is their a lion a couple of feet away and where is jungkook," Hoseok asked.

"The lion is Jungkooks and he is supposed to be coming back alive any moment know," jimin told with a sad voice.

Hoseok and yoongi's eyes widened at something and when I looked back, it was jungkook walking towards us with his torn shirt in his hands while his upper body with bandages wrapped around his torso was for display.

"Jungkook," Yoongi muttered underneath his breath.

"Jin hyung," jungkook saw me and hugged me and I asked hugged him back.

"Why are you all here," he asked in a cold voice after I hugged him.

"Jungkook, we are sorry and we want you to come back," namjoon said.

"Just admit it, you just want me because I am talented but there are so many other people, like your boyfriend, sanha right. By the way, where is he, last time he had fun but this time I want to have fun,"

"We broke up with sanha. Please Jungkookie, just come back to us, we realized our fault," Yoongi please before getting onto his knees.

Jungkook's doe eyes widened but he wasn't looking at Yoongi but rather behind him.

Long chapter because I didnt update yesterday and it was 1,282 word, damn.

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