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Jimin POV

"I will come on two conditions, first Lucas comes with us and he must be provided his his lawn, second we leave right now because this island is going down," I looked behind me to see what he was talking about and I saw tsunami waves rising higher and higher.

" lets go now, Jungkook how many can your lion carry," I asked him.

"Maximum 6, you all get on him and I will be right behind you," he made some weird sound and Lucas came. One by one we started getting on him with Jin in the front and namjoon in the back. I looked back to see where Jungkook was but he had left and the lion started running.

We finally reached the plane after 10 minutes but those 10 minutes were the longest especially with Hobi hyung continuously screaming for his mom and cursing snakes while gripping my shoulders really tight. We all boarded the plane and started to wait for Jungkook, bang pd and the police were already there and seated.

"Boys, did you find Jungkook," he asked.

"Yes, we did," I told.

"Where is he because we have to leave in the next 10 minutes or we will all die," he told.

"He will come, he has to come,"

Come back fast, Jungkookie.

Jungkook POV

After hitting my lion's flank, I sprinted off to the shortcut which leads me to the middle of the island. I suddenly I saw those damn hyenas behind me and one of them had managed to jump on me and pierce its claws into the stab wound which Sanha gave me. Grunting in pain, I pushed the hyena of and started running faster with those monsters still hot on my trail.

Finally the plane came in view and jin hyung was waiting but then the plane started to move and the door started to shut. Shit. I picked up my pace faster but one of the hyena had jumped on me and scratched me back, leaving a deep cut. With the last of my strength, I stabbed the hyena and ran with all I got. Just as the door was about to shut, I jumped into the moving plane and the plane rose up from the ground.

Jin pov

Jungkook had made it safely on the plane and I was more than relieved but there was a big scratch on his back and one of his old wounds had reopened and blood was seeping through the bandages plus he had lost consciousness due to the blood loss. One of the medics came and treated all of jungkook's wounds before making him sleep on the chair next to mine.

The entire island went down with the tsunami wave and we were all watching it from a safe distance. No wonder why his dad wanted him to be in this island because it was going down. He knew. I cursed under my breath.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes after half an hour and asked me in a weak voice,"did I make it,"

Tears started to fall from my face and I hugged him lightly, making sure that I dont hurt him," yes, you made it and this is the last time you will have to go through any of that but now, I have some question, will you answer them?" Jungkook nodded his head. Everyone excluding the police gathered around him and started to listen.

(This is a conversation between jungkook and jin only so the one asking questions is jin and the answerer is jungkook)

"How did you end up here?"

"I slept in the alleyway the night they kicked me out and the next morning I find myself here,"

"How did you survive,"

" two days after living on the island, I met Lucas but at first he wanted to eat me after I showed that I was not food but a friend, he showed me a place where I could get fruits and water plus I found a first aid kit on the ground so I treated my wounds with that but the wounds never healed completely. About keeping fit, I worked out when I was bored, some push ups here and there and running around the island except for the northern part because the hyenas were there. I learned how to fight those creatures on my own," he told with a proud voice.

"What happened that night?"

"That night sanha stabbed me because I did not kiss him and because he was told to do it by my father. Then he cut himself and when the members came he put the entire blame then I was kicked out. After that we all lived happily after," he told with a bitter voice and cold eyes.

"Where did you get the wounds,"

"The one on the lower stomach was where Sanha stabbed me, the one near my chest is where my father stabbed, the scratch on the back is caused by the hyenas and the scars are of past abuse," he told with no emotion.

The next question I asked was," do you hate us," jungkook hesitated before he answered.

"I forgave you, hyung a long time ago and have nothing against you but the other members especially Yoongi," jungkook sighed and spoke with hatred laced in his tone," It's hard to say. It might take my entire life for me to forgive them. Since my contract with bighit is till 2027 I will remain in BTS not because of you but because I still want to sing and dance," he told but when he looked at the members teary faces, his face became pitiful." However if the next album is a big success, I might forgive you, he finished with a small smile.

The members face lightened up and they said "thank you, jungkook-ah," but he just told, "dont thank me yet but after the album is released,"

Everyone went back to their seats because there was air turbulence and Jungkook had fallen asleep on my shoulder in an awkward position, so, I put his head on my lap so he could sleep comfortably. I smiled to myself as jungkook started to snore a bit while drool came out from his mouth. Cute.

Namjoon POV

Seeing Jungkook bleeding from the wounds was horrifying, hearing him say that he almost hates us broke my heart but when he told that if our next album is a success gave me hope that we still have a chance. Anyways our current album is almost done with its promotion and we still haven't worked our next album, so, this would be perfect. We can do the next album with Jungkooks help and hopefully make it big so he might forgive us. Now, I can hope that he forgives us.

As long as he forgives us, I will be happy.


We will see how long this happy family lasts for.


HAPPY 1K READS. 😭😱😀😃😘😍🦙

That was pretty random especially with the alpaca

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