Part 1

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Y/N was 15 in the Pre-Part, now she is 18 and Tanjiro is 16. I know that the ages and the actual plot don't match up but alksdfjlksadfjklasjflksajflsa. I don't want it to be too awkward with the age gaps.

This part of the story takes place when Urokodaki is out of his house and this is a different house from the one that Sabito, Y/N and Giyu trained because why not.

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Y/N pov: 

I had finally done it!

After 3 long years of that torture, I had escaped of course with many injuries. As I was walking through the woods, a storm started to pick up.

I sighed anxiously. I had to find shelter before it turned night. Even if I was the ice Hashira, I knew I could not survive if a demon came. My right arm had been badly bruised. My right leg had been stabbed. I was pretty sure I also had a concussion.

As the sun began to set, I started panicking. No! I can not just give up! I made it this far so I have to at least get to Oyakata-sama! I started sprinting through the forest in a hurry, trying to ignore the wounds that were constantly sapping my energy and life.

A rock that I did not notice then appeared in my trail. I tripped on Giyu's stupidity and fell face first into the ground. I tried to get up only to notice blood was coming out from my head. I felt a trickling feeling going down my ankle and noticed a big gash had formed on my left leg. Now I could not use both my legs.

I bit my bottom lip. There is no way I was going to get taken out by some rock! I started using my arms to crawl my way out of the woods.

I then saw a figure coming towards me. Not knowing if it was going to be a demon or human, I readied my sword.

I then passed out. The last thing I saw was a burgundy color running towards me.

TIMESKIP to next day:

I groaned as I felt something touching my left arm, I then remembered what happened and my eyes shot open.

I turned around to see a female girl. Demon. Her hair was black and vermilion at the tips. I looked around and saw my sword next to me. I picked it up and quickly placed it next to the demon's neck.

She backed up into a teapot, causing it to collapse and break.

"Nezuko-chan!" a voice shouted from outside.

A burgundy haired boy then popped in from the door and stared at the situation. 

I realized that I wasn't in that much pain. I looked down to see bandages everywhere. I then inspected the bamboo that was in the demon's mouth. It was preventing her from harming anyone and that boy was a human. I carefully lowered my sword. 

"I'm sorry for frightening you there. I didn't realize you guys helped me. Thank you but I must leave now." I said calmly and as respectively as possible.

"Ah! At least tell us your name! My name is Kamado Tanjiro and this is my sister Kamado Nezuko!" the burgandy boy said

"Y/N, Y/N L/N" I said

"Well it was nice meeting you L/N-sama, I noticed that your sword was a demon slayer sword! A nichirin blade! I had just taken the test to become a demon slayer and am waiting for my blade to come too!"

I chuckled. How interesting of this boy to be calling this demon his sister and wanting to be a demon slayer even though his own 'sister' is a demon herself. How amusing. I would like to see how this would play in the future. I'll let them live for now and see what 'excitement' they will bring.

"Well I have to leave now. Thank you for taking care of me."

I picked up my blade.

Ninth Form: Vanishing Ice Glaciers.

I cut the space with my blade and disappeared only leaving a pile of ice shards in my place

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I cut the space with my blade and disappeared only leaving a pile of ice shards in my place.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The first real chapter. The story line of the actual anime and this fanfiction is not going to match up perfectly so be warned.

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