Will you be my angel?👼 (Shu x Angel valt)

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It's around evening time. The Sun is about to set. Shu heading home from library. He want some peace so he went to library now it's almost night time so he walk home. "Hahaha!!!! He is human boy!" A cute little angel with blue hair and Brown eyes said with a giggle.
"Hm? Who's there?" Shu ask looking around.
"He found me? Valt hide!" Valt talk to himself. As he hide behind a tree branch.
"I know someone is there! Show yourself!" Shu said. Valt stay silent not want to get into any trouble.
But shu spots his white wing and tail (Wait do angels have tail? Whatever who cares) as shu smile and slowly walk to the tree.
"Looks like its my imagination maybe....?" Shu said so that someone who talk can let their guard off. Valt sigh in relief he almost get caught and his parents will scold him for going to human world.
"Phew.... he walk off!" Valt said and get out from his hiding spot. One thing he didn't know was shu is there waiting for him to come out.
"So you're the one? Hey what are you? You have wings and..... a tail?" Shu ask calmly cuz he don't want to scare that little creature with human body and having wings and tail.
"Ahhh!!!!!" Valt scared as he was about fly away but his wings got struck in the tree branch. He yelped in pain.
"Hey don't move! Hold on, I'll help you!" Shu said as he climb up on the tree. Valt was scared as he try to get his wings out off the tree branch but making the situation more worse his wings start to bleed.
"Ahhh!!! It hurts!!" Valt hissed. Shu slowly reach hand to valt but valt got scared and moved a little. Shu understands how valt feels.
"Shh.... hold on, stay still. I can help you, I won't hurt you promise!" Shu said more softly and calmly. Shu then help valt, now he was freed from the trap.
"You're bleeding! *take his handkerchief and use it as bandage* don't be scare I just make it stop bleeding" Shu said. Valt look at Shu .
"Thanks for helping me" valt said. Shu look at valt.
"It's fine. Are you an angel?" He ask since he's a genius know so it won't take a genius to find it out. Valt nod.
"Hey do you wanna come with me? Your wings is injured you can't fly, my house is near." Shu said.
"Can I believe you? I heard humans are cruel they will kill me if they saw me.. my mom told me to never trust a human" valt said.
"Of course. You have my words and I'm not creul or something. My name is Shu Kurenai, what's your's?"
"Valt. Everyone call me valt." Valt said as Shu chuckle.
"Here put this coat!" Shu hand his coat/vest to valt to hide his wings.
"Why?" Valt ask with a question mark on his face.
"Do you want to get everyone's attention? They will suspect us that's why." Shu explain why. Valt put the coat. Shu hold him in his hands.
"What are you doing?" Valt got startled.
"I'm carrying you" Shu said as valt blush and hide his face in Shu's chest.
"Hey you're cute when you blush" Shu said.
"Thanks?" Valt mumble. Then Shu went to his apartment.
He unlock the door with his keys and open the door.
"Feel free, okay?" Shu said as he place valt on the couch.
"Are you living alone?" Valt ask looking around.
"Yeah. Well my parents are really busy and they often went overseas for works. So it's only me here." Shu said while he poured some Orange juice in a glass and hand it to valt.
"What's this?" Valt don't know what that liquid is.
"It's Orange juice. I'm sure you will like it" Shu said as valt grab the glass and took a sip. Valt wags his tail and flap his wings a little meaning he likes it. Shu smiled at valt's cute reactions.
"It's so good!!! Shu!" Valt said as he show the empty glass to Shu asking more.
"Do you want it again?" Shu ask as valt nod. Shu gets the glass and fills it with some orange juice again and hand it to valt.
"Here. Don't you drink this before?" Shu ask.
"Yeah its my first time I never know your human world is amazing? In my world there's no sweets stuffs like this!" Valt said.
"No sweets? Why?" Shu ask curiously as he sat on the floor looking at valt. Valt took another sip and reply.
"I don't know why. But they says like that." Valt said as drink his juice.
"Oh. Wait here I go get the first aid box" Shu go to his bedroom to take the first aid box. He return to the living room where valt was.
He removed the piece of cloth from valt's injured wings and give first aid and then put bandage on his wings. Valt shivers and flinch when shu touch his wings. Shu notice it.
"Did that hurt?" Shu ask.
"No... it's kinda tickles me.... I'm sensitive on my wings...." Valt said in a low embarrassed voice.
"I see. So it's your sweet spot, don't it?" Shu ask him.
"It's not like that..... Aahh!~" Valt don't want to admit it so he lie but shu rub his wings making valt moan.
"You're really cute!" Shu hug valt like teddy.
"I C-can't breathe...." valt said as Shu let go of valt.
Then someone knock on the door.
"Valt go hide somewhere I think maybe it's my friends." Shu said as he get up. "But where I hide?" Valt don't know where to hide.
"Go to my bedroom. okay?" Shu said as valt nod and go to his room and hide. Shu walk to the main door and open it.

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