Everyone became zombie? ☀ (Shu x valt)

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Don't read if you're scared of losing your favourite characters. Yes in this story only few people will survive the zombie apocalypse.... and I don't even want to write this part... cuz I'm scared of zombie stories hehe....
Read at your own risk!
If you're a brave heart then you're welcome...
Let's begin....
Also In this story valt has Asthma problem...


People of Japan suffered from an unknown virus they don't know yet. Everyone turn into a zombie. What will happen if this continue?
At Aoi bakery~
Zombies break into the Windows, front door. Chiharu and the twin are hiding under the table while valt locked himself in the bathroom.
Within a blink of eye another 10 bunch of zombies enter in.
Valt can't hide anymore there because two zombies break the window and enter inside the bathroom. Valt open the bathroom door as he saw five zombies charge at him. He was scared but yet he don't want to risk his life there so he quickly grab the baseball bat near him and hit the zombies. But they were to many of them to fight back.
"Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Twins shout.
"Toko!!! nika!!! Mom!!!" Valt hit the zombies with his full strength as he run to the kitchen.
"Valt!!! Go run!!!!!!" Chiharu shout as she pushed Toko, nika to valt as she got trapped by the zombies.
"MOM!!!!!!!" Valt and the twins shout.
"G-go..... R-run....." she got bite by the bunch of zombies. Then few more zombies charge at the them. Valt hit the zombies but they broke the baseball bat... Valt don't have any weapon to fight back... he was scared, the sight of his mom being bit by zombies and his sibling crying on him with fear and the zombies attacking them. Then Toko run the opposite direction getting the zombies attention.
"Valt! Nika! Go! I'll take their attention!" Before valt could process what his little brother said Toko run off as the zombies chase him. Then Toko got bite too. "Noooo!!!!!! Toko!!!!!" Valt cried while nika was scared her eyes widen in shock and fear, "Toko?" She mumbled. They can't escape from there.
More zombies break in. They can't run anywhere as their ways were blocked by the zombies.
"Shut! They're everywhere! We are trapped!" Valt hold nika protectively. Then the zombie going to attack them but was stopped by Valt's friends.
"Huh? Shu! Lui! Free!" Valt see his friends attack the zombies.
Valt let go of nika. He want to cry.. cry so bad... his mom and Toko became a zombie too... as valt fall into knees and cried.
"Valt! Nika! Come here!!" Shu shout but valt was scared to do anything.
Nika tried her best to pull valt up and go to them but fails. As a zombie grab nika and bite her.
"Ahhh!!! Valttt!!!!!" She screamed. Valt look up and get up and was about to punch that zombie but was pulled by lui.
"Hey let me go!!! Nika!!!! I'm coming to save you!!!" Valt don't want to lose his little sister. "Valt come with us! It's no use! She was bitten by the zombie! We can't do anything!!" Free said.
"But.... no I'm not coming let me go!!!!" Valt cried. They can't keep fighting with the zombies because each minute zombies increasing and charging at them.
"Valt don't be so stubborn!!! We need to go!!" Shu yelled at him.
Valt cried... Lui and shu pulled him and free leading them. Valt turn back giving a last glance at his family... tears fell down.
"It's all my fault!!! If I wasn't be a coward and stand there like a idiot this won't happened at all!!! I lose my family!! I lose my happiness!!! I lose everything I have!!! No more I can't take it.... people becoming zombies!!! No matter what.... I'm failed to protect my family... I'm useless... I'm nothing just a piece of trash!!!" Valt thoughts were broke by Shu.
"They are blocking the way!" Shu whispered to others.
"We have to look for another way" lui whispered. They were hiding behind a car.
"Guys there *points at another road* let's go that way" free said to them which Shu and lui nod.
Valt look the way free points at. That way takes them to the beigoma school. "Hm!? What about the beyclub Shu?" Valt remember about his friends. Shu has sad face. Valt was scared.
"I don't know... only wakiya is safe with our other friends... and rest of the beyclub we don't know where they're are...." Shu said as valt let more tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Come on we have to go!" Lui said. Shu grab valt's hands as they run without making any sound. Free stopped them. Because there's four zombies roaming there.
"We need to take them down" lui said.
"Valt stay with me!" Shu hold valt's hand. Valt nod.
Free and lui take them down. Before they could make a run, another zombie saw them as it called other zombies.
"Oh shit! These damn corpse!!!!!" Lui gritted his teeth. They attack them.
Valt saw a familiar guy. He look like daigo. At first valt thought its his imagination but later he realize its not.
"Daigo!" Valt called out. But the raven haired boy didn't reply well that's kinda strange. Daigo turned back but he was infected too along with his little brother. Free was about to hit daigo but valt stopped him.
"No don't free!!! He's my friend!!" Valt hold free's hand to stop him.
Daigo run to them. "Valt let go of my hand! He's a zombie now!" Free try to get his hand back. Lui hit the zombie which was about to bite free and valt.
"Are you freaking serious? You almost risk free and your's damn life!!!" Lui yelled. "Don't hurt my friends! *sobs* Please!" Valt shout but cried.
Shu grab valt's hand as he pull him close to his chest.
"We need to defend ourselves or we will turn into a zombie too.... it's hard to see our friends getting hurt by us but its no use they're are zombies... they don't have their conscious mind. Please valt listen to me" Shu hold valt to comfort him.
Valt cried on him. "Lets go" Shu said as they went off.
They were now near the beigoma academy school ground.
It's like the previous way people became zombies.
"Free that way" lui point out as free nod quietly. They sneak there and attack the zombies out of nowhere. Valt hold Shu like he was told.
Shu hit the zombies coming near him. Valt felt someone tap his shoulder, he look behind him, its honcho.
"Honcho you okay?" Valt ask as he hug him. Shu turn back.
"Buddy I was hiding here but they found me and infected me too.... I'll turn into one of them soon.... but before that... promise me you will make it please survive for me! You live for me! Make me proud I'm glad that I became friend with you. I love the happy moments with you and the beyclub. I... I.. want to....." honcho turn into a zombie as valt cried, he was about bite valt but Shu hit him and pull valt to him.
"H-honcho..... not you too! *sobs* *sniffs* p-please! I miss you! Honcho!" Valt see honcho lay on the ground.
"That way!" Free said as shu pull valt as he run to his friends. Lui pat valt to comfort him. Valt hug lui and cried.
"Don't cry valt. You need to stay strong. Come on... you promised to honcho right? let's go" lui pat him as valt let go of lui.
They walk pass the school and now keep on defending, attacking the zombies and (time skip) finally they were now out off the city. Their friends are hiding at a cave on the forest so no zombie will come there at least for while. They can't hide on the city so it's the best place to stay right now.

Shu, Lui, Free x Valt Oneshot Book Where stories live. Discover now