Chapter 4

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I wake in the same room but with nothing. I feel around feeling nothing but a chair and me. I slowly get up and walk around until I heard a voice,"Choose." I blink in confusion. "Ch-choose what?" I ask wondering what I was supposed to choose,"I said choose no time to explain." I being stubborn like I am denied wanting to know what the heck I was supposed to choose. I looked around again when I heard growling. I stopped and froze turning to the growling. A dog I presumed. I slowly backed away as it snarled and growled. I chose to run. I ran as the dog followed close behind. I stopped and breathed in and out going to my knees and the dog ran at me. I grabbed it as it made impact with me. I hugged it calming it down,"shh its d-don't have to be afraid." Is what I said when I heard the dog whimper and bark. I let it go and it licked me. I giggled then I heard a voice. I looked to where I heard the voice. It sounding like a little girl. "Momma is that a doggie? Can you take me to it and let me pet it?" It was me.. It sounded like me when I was a little girl. The dog started to growl again. I heard her get closer,"no stop d-don't come closer!" I said but she didn't hear me. The dog took off towards her and I quickly ran after it. I tackled it to the ground. Then I woke with a gasp sitting up from the chair. Tori stared at me. I could feel her staring,"what are my results?" I ask

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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