Chapter One

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You say we're just friends, but friends don't know the way youtaste, lalala

Gulf couldn't believe they were actually throwing an improvised party at Mew's house, just because Mild and Run wanted to get drunk after a long day at work. Those two lunatics literally showed up with several cases of beer and made themselves comfortable. Next thing he knew, there were the entire cast of Tharntype The Series and also some acquaintances packed in Mew's living room.

"You know you could've said no, right?" Gulf threw an elbow at Mew, who was laughing at the sight of his best friend dancing like a crazy person to the tune of a remix of "Be Mine".

"I don't think I could've even if I tried. But it's no biggie." Mew smiled at Gulf, putting his hands on his shoulders. "We could use some fun".

Not accepting no for an answer, Mew handed him a can of beer and they both joined the others, who were sitting in a circle. "What'd we miss?" Mild made room for Mew and Gulf next to him and Gulf could already guess from his nervous laughter that he was drunk.

"Mew, brother. We were thinking about doing 'Truth or Dare'. You guys in?" Gulf couldn't even answer the question, because Run was already pointing his finger at him. His smirk worried him, but he shrugged his shoulders to act like he didn't care. "Truth or Dare?"

Gulf bit his lip, unsure for a moment, but then he ended up saying: "Dare". The answer surprised Run, which was exactly the reaction Gulf wanted. He knew that everyone expected him to choose "Truth", which was usually the easy way out. Although, with friends like his, nothing was ever easy. They took every opportunity to tease him and Mew, because of their friendship. Yeah, because that was it. They were really close friends. Nothing more. However, Gulf started regretting his decision because their friends were taking their time to consult each other.

"Maybe we should have minded our own business" Mew whispered to Gulf, who laughed a little, because it was exactly what he was thinking. That was the moment when Mild stood up, pleased with himself and his brilliant idea. "Hey, hear me out". Gulf was already finishing his can of beer, because of the anticipation, which was killing him. It's just a stupid game, for God's sake. "Easy, tiger". Mew made fun of him, which made Mild even more excited. "I dare you into 7 minutes in heaven with Mew". Gulf almost chocked with the remainder of the beer he was drinking, while Mew started laughing, but it was a nervous laughter, because he didn't expect something so bold from him. Although, on second thoughts, they all knew how unpredictable Mild could get when alcohol was involved. "Are you kidding, right?" even when he was asking, Gulf knew it was pointless: Tong and Boat were already pushing him and Mew in the next room, which was the kitchen, where Mew's sister was washing the dishes. "Sorry darling, but they really need to do something right now". Gulf was shocked, because they were shamelessly kicking her out of the room. On her part, she decided to just leave everything as it was and rush out of the room, giggling.

"Well that was not embarassing at all" Gulf wanted to dig his own grave, while glancing at Mew, since he had no idea what to do next.

"They really are drunk" Mew run a hand through his hair, again with that nervous laughter, which at least made Gulf feel better. He wasn't the only one uncomfortable with the situation. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to". Gulf was relieved, because he didn't think it was possible for them to just kiss like that. Ok, they already kissed during the series, but that was completely different. They had to do it, because it was their job. Not that it was bad, on the contrary, but kissing him right now would've had so many and complicated implications. Gulf didn't want to think about it and risk screwing things up. "Yeah, I think it's for the better". Gulf noticed a change in Mew's expression. Disappointment, maybe? It couldn't be. As if he could sense his stream of thoughts, Mew smiled at Gulf and, just for a moment, it was like everything was back to normal.

"I hear too much talking. If you don't want me to come and watch the whole thing, you'd better start kissing right now". Mild could get so bossy when drunk. It was usually fun to watch, but right now his crazyness was at their expenses. "I'm serious, I'm gonna get inside and record the entire make-out session, what do you think?". Hearing the noise of the door handle, Gulf stopped the door with his shoulder, annoyed all of a sudden: "Okay, okay. There's no need, thank you very much".

Mew and Gulf looked at each other, both trying to calm their nerves. "Let's get this out of the way, shall we?". After saying that, Mew came a few steps closer, until Gulf was pretty much pressed against the door. Gulf could feel a shiver running down his spine due to Mew's heavy breathing on his mouth. "What the hell". Gulf took Mew's face in his hands and kissed him once and for all. The sudden kiss took Mew by surprise, but after a few seconds he placed his hands on Gulf's hips, bringing him even closer to his chest. Gulf let a moan get out of his mouth, while Mew ran his hands down his back, slowly reaching the back of Gulf's head. Gulf was so caught up in the moment that he didn't even realize he was now the one pushing Mew against the wall. Just as he didn't realize he was squeezing his arms, like he was afraid to let him go.

The sound of the alarm scared them off, while their friends were joining them in the kitchen. "Now you can back off a little, guys". Run laughed looking at Gulf loosening his grip on Mew, completely self-conscious all at once. "Looks like the kitten pulled out his claws after all". Mild and Run started laughing like idiots and everyone was celebrating as if they'd just won the World Cup. Gulf was so embarassed, he just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. The faster, the better. "We did it, are you happy now?". Gulf stormed off the kitchen, causing all of them to stop for a moment. Needless to say, this respectful silence was short-lived, because everyone pushed Mew and Gulf out of the kitchen, forcing them to re-join the party. "And now, let's get drunk". Gulf really tried to remain impassive, because he was still pissed off with his friends, but after meeting Mew's amused eyes, they both burst out laughing. Weren't they already drunk?

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