Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ooh baby
Seems we're only getting older lately, ooh
And I think I'm scared that maybe
After all this growing up

I'm only good at being young

"Ok, I brought some stuff". Gulf let out a sigh, while Mew grabbed his backpack. "What did you put in here? A dead body?" He laughed, giving a peek. "Hey, I didn't even bring along all the gifts from our fans, otherwise we would live surrounded by teddy bears and pillows". Mew smiled, freeing up plenty of space for his boyfriend's things. "We can always build a fortress in our own home". Gulf stopped for a second, and Mew looked at him quizzically. "What?". The younger shook his head, seized with a sudden urge for affection. He crawled into his arms, happy. "Nothing. It's said our home. I'm still getting used to the idea". Mew smiled too, his eyes shining bright. "Well, make sure you get used to it. I won't accept any second thoughts". He held him even tighter and Gulf let out a laugh. "Don't worry. You should know by now. My home is where you are". He blushed a little while saying that, and Mew looked at him in awe. "That's...". Gulf gently placed his lips on his, while caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. "I know".

A knock on the door brought them back into reality. They looked at each other, trying to guess who could be. "Did you invite someone over?". Gulf said no with his head. So when they opened the door, they were surprised to find all of their friends, holding out bags full of food and beer. Kao also had a plant in his hands. Mew looked at Gulf, amused: "You told them?". Gulf laughed, while Mild and the others made themselves comfortable. "No, I didn't". Run looked around the kitchen, placing the bags on the table. "We have eyes and ears everywhere". Mild hugged them both. "Aww, my babies. All grown up and living together. You guys have a tissue?".Tong grabbed his friend by the shoulder. "Let them be, always the drama queen". Run jumped on the couch, but after a few seconds he leaned out of it to ask: "This is not infected, right?". Gulf pretended to be busy all of a sudden, leaving Mew with a poker face. "Eew guys, seriously? Too much information, even for me". Mew raised his arms as a sign of innocence. "I didn't say anything". Run pointed a finger at him. "Your smirk just did".

Gulf cleared his throat loudly, embarassed. "So, why all the food and alcohol?". Boat looked at the others with complicity. "We wanted to throw you guys an official housewarming party". Well, to Gulf it was surely better than talking about their sexual activities. "We could move to the rooftop, there's plenty of space there". Run and Mild gave each other a hive five, enthusiastic. "That's a great idea". Their friends quickly picked up all the food and beverages, using the external stairs leading to the rooftop. Gulf looked at Mew, who wrapped his shoulders with his arm, smiling: "Let's go".

When they joined them, there was already music playing on Tong's music speakers and Mild was handing a bottle of beer to the both of them. "Cheers". They bumped the neck of their bottles against the other, before taking a long sip. "Ugh, it's terrible". Mew laughed, cleaning the lips of his boyfriend from the beer froth. "Guess you can't take me anywhere". Again, they were interrupted by Mild and Run, who were spying on them. "So...Gulf Kanawut. When were you going to tell us about the moving out exactly? Still keeping secrets from your besties?". Gulf sighed, looking for his boyfriend's support. "Hey, why do you always blame me and not Mew?". Mew laughed at him sulking. "Guess it's more fun teasing you than me". Mew hugged him from behind, even if Gulf was trying to fight back. "Hey, not you too". To make it up to him, Mew started moving his hips against his butt to the rhythm of the music. "Let's dance". He grabbed his hand and made him twirl, before taking him in his arms. "Are you trying to kiss my ass like this?". Mew laughed heartily, tilting his head back a little bit. "Is it working?" Gulf pretended to think about it, placing his hands around his neck. "A little. I guess your charm still affects me too much. That's unfortunate". Mew raised an eyebrow, pretending to be offended by his words. "Why? Are you thinking about dumping me?". Gulf smiled, pleased by his genuine concern. "Not for the time being" he teased him, biting his cheek. To lift his spirit up, Gulf started to dance in a funny way and Mew hid his smile behind his hands, covering his face. "You're unbelievable". Mild and the others suddenly noticed Gulf's silly dance and started recording the whole thing. "This is totally going on my Instagram stories".

After chasing Mild for a minute or two, Gulf surrendered. "It's cute, they're all gonna love it". Mew pinched his boyfriend's cheeks, unable to stop himself in front of his cuteness. Gulf smiled too, he didn't mind to show his goofy side anyway. Suddenly, Gulf shivered because of the wind kicking up. He didn't have the time to change before their friends broke in. "You're cold?" Mew started warming him up with his hands, moving them up and down his arms. "Just a little". With his head, Mew pointed at his hoodie left on a chair. "You can put on mine. It'll keep you warm. Even if I don't mind holding you, you know". Gulf laughed. "Run is going to complain so much if we don't dance with them too".

Gulf broke away from the group and grabbed Mew's hoodie, immediately struck by his heady scent. He put it on, feeling better already, but when he moved his hands on his pockets, he found something in there. A little box. "Gulf, hurry up, what are you doing?" He quickly put the box back in his pocket. "Sorry. I'm coming". What the hell was that?

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