14. The discussion

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Last chapter:
Hyeonhee is in trouble! Sangwook may have kidnapped her to use her as a bait for Keonhee.


After Keonhee was done eating we left for the cafe.

-Wait where is Geonhak? I ask and turn my head to Dongju.

-Oh i left him in his apartment, becouse i had to visit home.

I nod understanding as we walk across the road on yet another sunny day.


We reach the cafe and see that the others are already there.

They wave their hands at us as we walk to them.

We greet each other and go inside, place the orders and sit down at a bigger table so we would all fit.

-Glad to see your leg is doing better Hwanwoong. Dongju says and they both smile at each other.

3rd pov.

-So are you guys a thing now? Hwanwoong asks smirking at Seoho and Keonhee.

They both blush and Keonhee covers his face.

-I take that as a yes. Hwanwoong smirks happily.

The waiter brings their orders and Hwanwoong opens his mouth once again.

-So why did they attack us?

They all turn to Geonhak expecting an answer.

-Well when Hwanwoong and i were alone with Sangwook he told us that his parents didn't treat him like they treat Geonhak. Dongju speaks instead.

Geonhak looked shocked.
-I- I didn't know. He says dissapointed at himself.

-He also said that he will get a lot of money from the two of them. Hwanwoong continues.

Suddenly Keonhee speaks up.
-My sister called last night...

They all turn their heads on him and waited patiently for him to continue.

-And she was being chased by some guys, telling her that they will only use her as a bait for me...

-And? Youngjo asks.

-And i heard a man shout for my sister in the call...

-And? Dongju continues.

Keonhee went silent and looked at the table.

-And it was Sangwook. Seoho says after Keonhee stayed silent for a while.

-Are you sure? Geonhak asks and Keonhee nods without rasing his eyes from the table.

-They want me becouse i'm from a wealthy family, but i dont know why they would want Dongju. Keonhee finally rases his head from looking at the table to look at Dongju.

Dongju starts to think why they would want him.

After a while of everyone just sipping their coffees Dongju speaks up.

-Sangwook also said something like "i will destroy our relationship and get money." So i guess he wants us to break up, or he wants to ruin your life.

-Damn... Youngjo says and we all look at shocked Geonhak.

Suddenly Keonhees phone starts to ring.

Keonhees pov.


-Hello this is the police, you called 911 last night for your sister, right?

-Yes i did.

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