16. Plan start!

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Last chapter:
Keonhee and Dongju got a phone call from some guys telling them to meet at 1am. Youngjo had a great idea and now they are about to face the enemy.


3rd pov.

They all go to their positions. Keonhee goes into Hyeonhees apartment and Dongju goes into the park next to it.

It was currently 12.56am and it was almost time.

Both Dongju and Keonhee were very nervous as Keonhee walked around Hyeonhees apartment and Dongju tapped his leg on the parks ground.

They both check the time constantly until it's 1am.

Nothing happens for half a minute, but then Dongju can see two men in black coming his way.

He froze as he saw them and waited for them to walk to him.

Dongjus pov.
-Okay calm down, the others are gonna come get me...

The two men in black stop about 7 foot away from me and i open my mouth.
-Keep your promise, i want Dongmyeong back.

One of the men nod and gestures me to follow them.

I do so and they lead me to a black van.

They open the back doors of the van and i can see Dongmyeong tied up in there.

-Dongmyeong! I start to cry seeing my brother all beaten and tied up.

He turns his head on me and i can see tears forming into his eyes.
-D- Dongju...

One of the men pull him out of the van and the other one ties me up.

The man unties Dongmyeong and he rushes to hug me crying.

-I'm so sorry. He says as we're both bawling our eyes out.

-It's okay. I say and lean to his ear.
-Check your phone. I whisper to him and one of the men pull him away from me.

The other man literally throws me into the van and closes the doors leaving Dongmyeong outside.

Luckily i didn't hit my head, but my hands and back took the hit.

It was pinch black, i could barely see what i was wearing. All the light sources were blocked.

I hear people enter the van and start it.

The van starts moving and i sit up against it's wall.

-I sure hope Keonhee is okay...

Keonhees pov.
I was starting to panic as it was already 5 minutes over 1am.

I stopped beside Hyeonhees bedroom door and i was facing the front door as i took my phone out.

I see that Dongmyeong has texted something to the group chat we added him in.


Whats going on?
Is Dongju okay?

Yea, dont worry we have gps on him and we are currently following the van hes in.

Wait how? We dont know how to drive

Its called big sis 😗

Ohh, where is everyone else?

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