Chapter 2: Drop Everything and Run

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        I sat on the floor stunned as I heard the crashing of books on the cold tile. I glanced over to see his books had fallen to the ground. I stood up and went to back away when suddenly I was grabbed. I tried to break away, but I realized it was no use; the boy who held me was the one from earlier who was helping him beat up the scrawny child. 

"Pick them up." He waved his hands to the books. His friend let me go a little so I could grab them, I, being the idiot I always am, didn't move.

"N-no." I said standing my ground.

"Tch, brat" He said and without warning he punched me in the gut. I fell to the ground with a gasp of pain.

        His friend grabbed his books and began walking away, but his kid didn't leave. I was terrified for what he was going to do by the way his eyes were glaring at me. 

"You better learn quick kid, don't do anything stupid." He spit out of his mouth.

"Alright you're tough, we get it Levi. Let's go!" His friend called from down the hall.

        He turned on his heel and began walking away, but not before sparing me one more hate-filled glare. I got up and half-limped half-walked to the bathroom. I sat in a stall and searched my bag for my pills, and to my stroke of luck found none. I went to my Plan B instead and pulled out the small piece of silver metal. I slipped it horizontally over my wrist and watched as little beads of red appeared. I felt calmer as a shiver ran over my body. I ran my fingers over the little pink and white lines that lined my wrist ever so perfectly. It may sound like I was proud, but I wasn’t. I was disgusted, but at this point I did anything to feel in control. 

        I thought back to the kid Levi. Levi. He would've been fairly attractive, if he wasn't such a dick. His raven hair had a perfect undercut and his perfectly symmetrical silver eyes glowed like the colour the sky had when it storms, blending well with his pale skin. It would send anyone crazy for him. He looked like my sister, too.

        Oh Mikasa. I thought to myself and back to that night. Tears rose to my eyes and snaked out, down a path on my cheeks. In seconds the scene played in my mind, the car, the rain, the crash, the blood. It was all my fault too. It's not like I meant to kill them but the road was so wet and slippery our car lost track. My dad was yelling at me, my mum was passed out in the backseat with Mikasa next to her trying to calm me and Dad down.  I hadn't realized my foot pressing harder and harder on the accelerator; then when it was too late to turn, we hit something hard. No... Not we... I hit something hard. I killed them. My mums head had slammed into the window, Mikasa flew forward and her head hit the seat in front of her so hard her neck had snapped. Dad went to the windshield. I was told I had hit the steering wheel.

        I was about to remember everything else but the bell rang again, pulling me from all the memories. I looked at my watch and the schedule. It was 1:13, time for last hour. I had been transfixed with my flashback for over an hour. I wiped my cheeks and pulled down my sleeves. Standing shakily I walked out to see no one in here so I checked myself in the mirror. My eyes weren't as red as expected and my hair and cheeks were normal. I stared to music class, my favorite of all classes.

        I walked in to see everyone there. I glanced over the room, no one was looking at me thank god. The teacher Mrs. Ral told me to take any seat. I saw only one seat open and low and fucking behold it was next to that fucking prick, Levi fucking Douchebag.

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