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It was Wednesday morning, Taehyung woke up pretty early, like always. He was rolling around the bed, trying to gather his consciousness fully. With eyes barely opened, he got off the bed, headed to the bathroom and proceeded to wash up.

Coming out of the bathroom, he walked through the living room to the room across his. Not bothering to knock, he pushed the door open. Seeing his roommate sleeping soundly, well not 'that' soundly because you can barely hear his soft snores.

Taehyung walked closer and sat on the edge of the bed. Examining his best friend's sleeping face, Taehyung smiles a bit. Jungkook's raven hair sticking out everywhere, bangs covering his closed eyes messily. Lips slightly parted, his chest going up and down at a steady pace.

Honestly, Jungkook looks so cute when he sleeps. His face is practically a baby, a whole cutie. If you see his face, you won't ever think of him having a big and muscular body. Well, that's the reality though, his body is huge, tall and muscly. The body which all boys have ever dreamed of, Taehyung is not an exception.

The boy always admires his best friend's perfect form, more like loving his perfect form. Although his own body is not bad at all, he is just not as muscly as Jungkook is.

I should start to work out more often

With a small sigh, Taehyung ended his admiration thoughts of his best friend and shook his body softly. "Kook, wake up." He called softly, trying to wake the boy up. Jungkook remained asleep, not bothered even a little bit. He is a heavy sleeper after all.

"Kook, come on. You have morning classes." Taehyung shook him violently this time, earning an annoyed whine from the latter.

"Shut up, let me sleep." Jungkook responded shortly with his morning voice. His usual sweet honey-like voice sounded much much rougher. His body moving a bit to get more comfortable.

Taehyung sighed, thinking of a way to wake him up. His hand keeps shaking the once again asleep boy. Annoyed by the lack of response, Taehyung pulled Jungkook's pillow from under his head making the owner bang his head on the bed.

The boy whined loudly, turning his body away from Taehyung. "Go away, Taehyung." He said shortly, trying to go back to sleep.

"Alright, I'm going to make breakfast then. When I'm done, you better be up already." Taehyung said giving up, slapping the boy's back with both of his hands and got off the bed. There was a light "ugh" sound, which leaves Taehyung smiling while walking to the kitchen.

Taehyung was busy making their breakfast when he heard footsteps approaching. "You up?" Glancing slightly to his back, Taehyung greeted the freshly bathed Jungkook as he walked to the small dining table for two.

The man's raven hair was slightly wet, framing his handsome face messily. It seemed like he didn't bother to brush his hair after drying it off with a towel. Sitting on one of the chairs, Jungkook lifted his head a bit. "Yeah, thanks to your annoying ass." A light chuckle was heard as Taehyung walked to the table, placing their breakfast on it. It was a simple scrambled egg, mashed potato, and bacon. A signature menu of their morning meal.

"Thanks, Bro." Jungkook said, immediately digging his food. Taehyung only hummed, also savoring his food.

Honestly speaking, Taehyung hates it whenever Jungkook calls him "Bro". He doesn't know why, maybe because it sounded too "friendly", or the thoughts that it seems so much like the other was emphasizing their relationship as pure "bro" only and will never be more than that, he doesn't know. It's not like he has a chance anyway. He just didn't like it, whatever the reason was.

But he can't actually say anything about it, it would be weird and awkward if he complains all of sudden so he just let it be. "What's your morning class?" Jungkook asked, his plate already half empty.

It's the third week of their sophomore year in college. Even though they're in the same faculty, their majors are different. Therefore they didn't know the other's classes. Although, there are some common subjects where they would be in the same class.

"I've never had morning classes this semester, Kook." Taehyung answered, earning a confused look on Jungkook's face. "Then, why did you always wake up so early in the morning?" The boy asked once again, looking at Taehyung. The latter sighed before answering.

"It's because you would have missed all of your morning classes if I didn't wake you up every morning, you dumbass."

You're lucky I love you enough to do that

The words he let out was different than the real reason why he did it. And no, he didn't exaggerate when he said Jungkook would have missed all of his morning classes. It happened once, in the first week of the semester.

Jungkook has three-morning classes, it's on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. While Taehyung doesn't have any. So at first, he didn't wake up early, he would wake up at 10 or 11 in the morning. He expected Jungkook to have left already, but the man didn't even wake up. Sleeping through the whole morning and missed all of his morning classes.

So that's why Taehyung decided to wakes up early every morning just to make sure that Jungkook didn't miss his morning classes. A good best friend indeed.

Taehyung looked at the other who had a dumb expression on his face. "Holy shit! You, my friend, are the best. You do know that I can't live without you, right?" Jungkook uttered his gratitude with a hint of a joke, tried to tease his best friend.

Taehyung responded with a laugh and smacked Jungkook's head lightly across the small table separating the two. Jungkook also laughed while rubbing his head dramatically.

The mood was so warm and comfortable with their laughter filled the air, but that was before the raven-haired boy uttered something which made Taehyung completely stopped laughing. Head hanging down, trying to hide his blooming red face. His heart racing extremely fast as he took in the other's words in his mind.

"Maybe I should consider you to be my wife."

The first chapter guys!
Fuck I'm so nervous lol:) Don't forget to vote and comment thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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