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"Reyna! If you don't get your butt out of bed right now, I will drag you downstairs!"
Oh god, its morning, isn't it. Well duh, ya dummy. "Okay Mom! I'm getting ready!"
After I shower, I slip on my outfit, dark teal loose turtle neck sweater and black jeans with my combat boots. I run the brush through my jet black hair.
Except for one section. Right at the top. Its bright blue, and it never stays down. Its always haloed up, like its gelled.
In this world, you're born with normal hair, though a small piece of your soulmate is born with you.
A piece of you is born with them too. Take for instance, my lock of bright blue hair. That's the exact same as my soulmates, and they have a lock of mine.
It makes me laugh suddenly, imagining a boy that has to walk around with a random, hip length section of black hair that streaks way past the six inches of blue.
I weave my hair into a braid and run downstairs to leave for school
*time skip to school*
I run through the doors of my high school in Westbrook, Indiana. I open my locker and stash away my bag, grabbing my books as I go.
I slam the locker door as the first bell rings, and go to my first class of the day.
*time skip to lunch*
I sit down at my usual table in the corner by myself. I'm a theater tech kid. Black clothes most days, silent. No friends at all.
I bring my Starbucks iced vanilla coffee closer to me as I hear someone approach my table, covering the giant "Reyna" written on the out side of the cup.
"Hi! I'm Natalie!" I hear a bright voice come from the other side of the table. Haven't heard that voice before. Very feminine.
"Hello? Are you gonna answer me?"
A lock of hair waves in front of my eyes.
Black hair.
My hair.
Oh shit.
I dart my head up and try to hide my shock, as I notice that sitting across from me, a blue haired girl -Natalie- waves her hands excitedly, dropping the black strand, and it falls over her shoulder.
I stare, my mouth agape as I look again at the bright blue hair that hovers about half a foot from her head, gelled up in stylish, soft waves.
I take out my phone and look in the camera, staring at the very same wave in my hair.
My soulmate just sat down across from me.
Oh god
Oh god
I can tell she's realized the same thing as she stares at me.
"Wait" she says, her tone wavering "Are you..."
"Your soulmate. Yes, it seems so."
She looks shocked. Im pretty sure I look the same way.
Natalie comes over and sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder, to show the entire cafeteria the sign she's found her soulmate. I lay mine on hers as the people start looking and whispering. Then they start clapping madly. I wrapped my arm around Natalie, smiling as I hold her close to me. Because you can bet, now that I have a soulmate, I'll never let her go.
*time skip to four months later*
We're outside on the grass out back of Natalie's house, where we hang out the most. Her head is on my lap and she's laying down, making a flower crown from all the daisies she collected. I have the long lock of black hair in my hand, braiding it and swirling it into a bun on top of her head.
I'm just about to see her family. Finally. She said she was a part of a set of identical triplets. Her and her two brothers are adopted.
She sits up suddenly, startling me. "Hey, Reyna, look!"
I peeked around the side of the house, my hair whipping around my shoulder.
Natalie starts yelling again, waving her hands and dashing around the side of the house
"They're home! Come on Reyna, let's go!" She pulled me along, me almost tripping in her hast to get to the sky blue SUV oulling in the driveway
"Okay, okay. I'm coming." She's so excited for me to meet them.
She pulls me into the front yard as the back doors of the car open up, two high school age boys getting out, each lugging a duffel bag and suitcase.
They both drop their stuff and run to hug Natalie
One of them has hair exactly like Natalie's but in a buzz cut and the other has darker hair, to the bottom of his ears.
After they hug her, they run over and hug me, seeing the blue in my hair.
"Hey, I'm Zaine, and this is Maven! We're Natalie's brothers! I'm going to go unpack my stuff, but Maven'll stay here. I think. Mav? You coming with me?"
Maven nods and grabs both of their duffels and suitcases.
They go inside and leave me, Natalie and Mrs Port in the driveway.
Its almost pitch black out here now, so me, Natalie and Mrs Port go inside and go to bed.
Natalie hogs all the covers, but that's okay. She usually does that.
I realized a couple months ago, I don't love her.
She's annoying.
She loves her friends more than me, even when they bully me.
Never cares what they do or say to me.
She needs to go.
And I need to be the one to do that.
I sneak downstairs to the kitchen, my sweatpants sliding under my feet to make it quieter.
As I walk into the kitchen, I see Maven getting a glass of water.
He looks at me as I slide in front of the knife block and pick out one to kill Natalie.
He stares at the knife in my hand, and speaks.
"What are you gonna do with that?"
I look at him obliviously, sliding the knife in my waistband.
"Nothing...", I say to him, sliding my shirt back down over the handle.
He looks at me and says "I'm a mind reader. I can tell you're planning to kill my sister."
He pauses.
"And I want to help you."
I stare at him, shock coming over my whole face.
"Maven, are you sure? Cause even if you're not, I will do this. I don't care. I want her gone."
He looks at me insistently.
"I want her gone too, Reyna. I need her gone. That little shit has been ruining my life. I know the perfect place to take her and kill her."
A half hour later, we are outside in the rain that sprinkles, Maven holding Natalie bridal style.
I've got the knife tucked in my waistband though. And I'm ready to drive it through her throat.
He gestures toward the fence.
"We're gonna need to climb over that. You have to hold her for a minute while I get over first."
I nod and he hands her thin, sleeping form to me. We put her in a blanket and tied her ankles and wrists together.
His 5'9" body makes it easily over the 6'0 fence.
I stare at him through the slats and pass her body over.
I grip the top of the fence and sling my leg over it, the triangular tops poking holes in my soaking wet tank top.
I land on my knees next to Maven in their neighbors yard.
I stand up as Maven crosses to the back of the yard.
Its spring but their jacuzzi still has a cover over it.
Maven takes the knife from me and quickly drags it across her neck, killing her instantly. He slips on a pair of gloves and lifts the jacuzzi cover, slipping Natalie's body inside.
He puts the cover back down and secures it.
No one will know what we did.
When we get back to the house, Maven gives me a shirt of his and a new pair of sweatpants.
I go in Natalie's room, and lay down in the bed.
I don't like it. I don't regret killing her, but I will not sleep in her bed.
Its like if Voldemort slept in James and Lily's bed.
So I slip out from under the covers and go to Mavens room.
His eyes are closed, his breaths even. I can't tell if he's asleep.
He cracks his eye open and looks at me, standing in his doorway.
"Don't keep my door open. Just come get in bed with me. Mind reader, remember?"
I close the door and lay down beside him, pulling the covers on top.
And then feel a knife pull through my chest.
And nothing else.

Word Count: 1466 words.
A/N: This was fun. Its okay in my opinion. Not great, but okay.

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