chapter four

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(a/n: sorry i haven't updated in agessss, i had rlly bad writers block and also have been getting quite a few requests on my one shot book so i've been trying to do those as well, also i've had a fuckton of schoolwork, but yk im updating again now :) )

trigger warning: a few things that are said could be triggering for people with eating disorders (watch me end up triggering myself hfsfghjkk)

Linda woke up, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, and got out of bed. She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out her school uniform.

"It's so fucking uglyyy" she muttered to herself. She took off her silk pyjamas and put on her white button up shirt, adjusting she cuffs slightly afterwards. She put on her green checkered skirt (making sure to roll it up so it would be shorter), she admired herself in the mirror for a second. She pulled on her white thigh-high socks and black school shoes, tying the laces tightly. She quickly checked the time.

"6:50...I have plenty of time" she thought. She brushed her hair until it was silky and smooth, parting it down the middle and then leaving it down. She made sure to do her makeup, she had to look perfect on the first day. She pulled on her black blazer, it had the school logo on the left breast pocket (Hatchetfield High). She brushed her teeth then walked out the door, without even thinking about having breakfast.

"Good. I managed to skip breakfast's not like my parents care anyways" she muttered to herself while walking down the street to get to the bus stop. She shivered slightly, she almost regretted having her skirt as short as she did but beauty is pain. Her backpack was over she shoulder as she made her way to the bus stop, soon enough, her bus to school arrived.

*t i m e s k i p*

She got off the bus and walked the short way to her school, it was nearly 8am (7:57 to be exact). As she entered the school, she was anxious, although not many people were there yet since you didn't have to be in school until 8:30. Linda stopped by a row of lockers and quickly got her planner and checked the map. She looked at the map, attempting to locate where her classroom is. Eventually she found it. She put her planner away then attempted to navigate the halls to find her classroom and after a few minutes she was there. She entered the classroom.

"Oh hi Linda!"

hfdddghjkl it's fucking becky barnes oh shitttt

"Oh hey Becky" Linda replied, she made sure to seem kind of bitchy, just so no one would mess with her.

"You look nice Linda" Becky continued.

"Oh thank you" Linda blushed slightly, she didn't understand why she was getting all nervous because of Becky.

"Oh and Linda, this is my boyfriend Tom, we started dating during the summer"

"Oh hey Tom, we went to the same middle school with Becky right?" Linda replied

"Yeah, you've changed a lot since middle school" Tom said

"Yeahhhh, in middle school I was an absolute idiot" Linda laughed, she others laughed with her.

"It's really nice that we've all ended up in the same high school, it's kind of sad that we drifted in middle school Linda, I don't really know why we stopped talking" Becky giggled slightly at the end.

"Yeah, I don't know either" Linda replied.

Except she did know, she memories came flooding back. The sobbing in the bathroom and bunking maths, what Becky said on that day would haunt her forever.

"We should be friends again Linda" Becky suggested

"Yeah, sure"

"Great!" Becky smiled "Me, you and Tom can hang out at lunchtime if you want"

"Yeah, I might try to meet some other people though, so I have lots of friends, you know" Linda replied

"Yeah that's good, having lots of friends is always the best option"


Suddenly the bell for first lesson went.

*time skip to breaktime*

(a/n: sorry im using time skips a lot)

Linda made her way to her locker, the put in her combination and opened it and began to put some of her books in. A taller boy with brown hair and glasses walked up to the locker to the left of Linda.

"Hey, um, is it your first day here as well?" he spoke

"Yep, I'm Linda" she put out her hand for him to shake.

"I'm Gary" he shook her hand "sorry" he laughed nervously "No one from my middle school came here so I don't know anyone"

"That's fine, you can hang with me" Linda smiled, although she wanted to be the feared bitchy popular girl, this boy seemed nice and honestly you don't find many nice people in a high school.

"What class have you got next?" Linda asked him.

"Ummm" he fumbled around in his locker and pulled out a timetable, he looked over it. "Biology"

"So do I" Linda smiled at him, although he's clumsy and kind of awkward, he seemed nice "We can go together" Linda continued, Gary smiled at the ground and blushed. It was very obvious that he liked Linda. The bell for their third lesson went and they made their way to biology. After two long hours of lessons, it was finally lunchtime. Linda decided to keep her word and hang out with Tom and Becky, she wanted to fix things after they got all fucked up in middle school. She went to her locker and made sure she had the books for her last lesson then she made her way to the cafeteria and looked around for Becky. After a minute or so of searching, she saw Becky's ginger hair through the crowds, she made her way over to the table they were at.

"Hey" Linda said, smiling.

"Oh hey Linda! Come sit down with us" Becky said gesturing to the empty chair at the table. Linda complied.

"So guysss, hows your classes been so far?" Becky was so bubbly, Linda always liked that about her (she could be always see the positive side to things) and that was probably why Tom liked her so much.

"Shit" Tom and Linda said simultaneously.

"Language!" Becky said jokingly.

Tom and Linda were surprisingly similar in some ways, they both had a pretty negative outlook on life and although their interests differed a lot, their personalities weren't that different.

(a/n: okay imma leave it here for now coz i have to go do virtual performing arts (coz corona) in a few mins)

*1075 words*

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