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《 Felisias☆ blog . Day 590●○》

      🎬 ReadySet GO!!

  So i changed some things in this surprise !
      I was gonna make her all this 2 days before her birth day and 3 days before the flight cause that would be more fun :D
  So that morning i woke up early and i didnt wanna wake up at all , but i have to, i went to kikis room and i tide her leg on a rope and i untide it while going to her bathroom , her closet so she can change and downstears to the kitchen and  the backyeard
where i had her frist prank present and my camera i then went to the pool and back to the house and
to my bed room were i putted on the second present the outfit and i had on me the tickets for california so i could give them to her after she finds out the gucci outfit i took for her.
I was so exited for that present . If it turns out good and as i wanted she would love it so much!! I also talked to the other youtubers on California that was her birthday and i wanted to be spesial when we would arive to the meet and greed , so they had a surprize too!    
   There was Lexi Revera and Brent also Payton that kikis after him so bad :'D and at last but not least the lopez brothers that i was so exited for too cause you guys know that we are such a huge fans of them
and Im after Ondreaz for 3 years now since i was in high school!!.  So everything was ready and i just waited downstairs for kiki to wake up !


♡♡ News update soon my litle loves!! ♡♡
You all are amazing ☆《♡》


   After 2 hours kiki finaly woke up..

i run upstairs to see her sitting on her bed looking socked from all thoise roses i throw on her bed "surpizee!! Well i know that your bithdays
is tomorrow but i couldnt wait more!" I said all exited        "What are you doing?!?" She asked looking at the camera and back to me "Ahh nothing you just have to follow the rope to were it leads you!" I said smirking and pointing to the rope going to the closet
"Ahm? OK? If theres an animal on my closet im going to skream!!" She said going there.." Noo them dont open it!!" I said " AAAA WAIT ARE YOU JOKING RIGHT ??" She screamed and looked at me " Hahahah yea im just kiding, you have to dressed up and keep following the rope to the bathroom so you can wash your face to came down stairs were everything starts!!"
I said leaving her room " ah ok see you in a minute then.." she went to pic an outfit and went to the bathroom . When she did that i run down stairs to finish some stuff till she gets down . I put some wafles on the table with some honey🍯 so she would eat after the presents rivew :'D . I also went to the back yeard to open the camera to film her reaction!! .

Kates pov

I woke up to my bed full of roses and i called felisia to came upstairs cause she always makes something for my birthday. When she told me how it is i picked an outfit and went to the bathroom i woshed my face and went down stairs i saw her outside and i called her inside ...
K- Felisia what now?
I saw her running inside to me.
F- Now you are suppusted to came outside with me.
K- Ok?
We walked outside and i saw a beautifull packeging infront of a camera and i went there all happy !!
F- Open it !!
K- Ahh its so cute!
I opened it and i saw some ..
K- Wait underwear?? What the hell :[
F- HahahhahaHa!!!! We got her every baddy !!
K- Ha Ha so funny 🤦‍♀️
F- Wait is not ending here i have some more !!
K- Oh my god :/
F- Come come!!
K- Ahhh ok..
We went upstairs to felisias room and i saw roses on her bed and some packegies maybe for online shop of something.?
F- Open them :D
K- Oh god ...
As soon as i opended them i saw a beautiful outfit so adorable!
K- Oh my god!! Thats soo cutee 😢
F- I know right! 
K- Oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD !! CANT WAIT TO WEAR IT!!!

Felisias pov

I saw how happy was kate and i went in front of my bed facing her and i told her..
F- You will wear it on 2 days in our trip!
K- Wait what trip?
I gave her the tickets and i told her " You sould already start packing your clothes! Everything is ready for the meeting greed!!
F- THE GUYS ARE ALREADY EXITED AND WAITING TO MEET US!!!  I saw her a pic of all of them that we are going to meet!
she huged me so tight i coulnt even move !


Thanks for reading guys ! <3
Next chapters are going to be great i was waiting for them from the start :*
Press that ☆  if you liked it ! Its helping me <3

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