Chapter VII: The Green Cap of Courage

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"Keep moving! We don't have all day!" a robotic sentry ordered to a troop of green soldier pawns. They all were the same type of enemies that attacked the blue hedgehog and red-clothed human. "SWAT Bot, report!" a voice sounded on the machine's communications system. "Yes, Doctor. What is it?" the SWAT Bot replied. "How goes the search for the artifacts?" the caller inquired. "Have you made any progress in locating them?" "We have searched the entire region and found no traces of these jewels," the sentry explained. "If there was even one here, it is not anymore, Doctor." "Mmmph... you disappoint me..." the man grumbled. "Just send back whatever data you could find, then prepare the site for detonation." "Affirmative, Dr. Eggman. It will be done," the SWAT Bot answered. "You heard what he said! Take whatever is necessary, then destroy what remains."

The pawns hasted along and began grabbing whatever materials they deemed necessary for their master. One was about to grab what looked like a stuffed doll, when an arrow suddenly struck it in the chest, knocking it down and causing it to spasm before exploding in a small burst. Two other sentries looked towards their fallen comrade and started to run away, but a boomerang came flying around and lopped the heads off both of the drones. "What is happening?! Show yourself, coward!" the SWAT Bot demanded. Its response came in the form of some kind of grappling hook puncturing its body and yanking it towards the attacker. Before the robot could react, a blade that shone with a blinding light cut right through the metallic armor, destroying it. The blade was that of a sword, and the one holding this sword had a symbol on the back of his hand that closely resembled the one Sheik had, with only the triangle on the right glowing. "That's one down. But there are obviously more of these machines out there," the warrior observed as he sheathed his sword. "It's obvious that I cannot do this alone, even with the Triforce's power. Wherever the princess is, I hope she can find me." He jumped back onto his horse, Epona, and rode off once more.

"Charmander, take it easy, buddy!" Sonic admonished as he chased after the small fire lizard. "I know you're full of energy, but you gotta stay close by." "Char? Charmander?" the critter vocalized as the blue blur caught him. "Be careful, Sonic. His tail is on fire," Mario cautioned as he knocked down a few apples from a nearby tree. "You don't wanna get burned, now." "I'm aware of that, Mario. I'm not stupid," the hedgehog replied as he caught one of the apples, which was rather big. "I have a pyrokinetic cat as a friend; I think I can handle a baby dragon." He then gave the fruit to Charmander. "Eat up, buddy!" The reptile took a rather big chomp out of it, surprising the two. "You've got quite an appetite, Charmander," Sonic chuckled. "You're my kind of guy!" "Just stay alert, okay? We haven't seen any more of those monsters in a while," the plumber commented. "I don't think they just gave up like that. If they're with Bowser, they're planning something..." "Eggman's like that, too. As crazy as the doc is, he's quite intelligent," the speedster mused as he took a bite out of his apple. "He has an IQ of 300 and he's built a fleet of warships. He actually almost won a few times, honestly. It's a bit scary."

Charmander suddenly perked up as he heard a whirring sound. "Char! Charmander!" he vocalized to the two as he was pointing to an incoming object. "Hm? What is it, buddy?" Sonic spoke as he and Mario looked towards the horizon. "Wait a minute... I recognize that sound!" Suddenly, the object came speeding towards the group and tackled into Charmander, causing him to screech in surprise and pain. "Charmander! Get away from him, you hunk of junk!" the blue blur growled as he performed a Spin Dash on the attacker. It was a Motobug, one of Dr. Eggman's old robotic minions called Badniks. "Mamma Mia! What was that?!" the Italian plumber exclaimed. "One of Eggman's robots. So he's here, too," Sonic grumbled as he examined the wreckage. "Why a Motobug, though? I thought Eggman stopped using these a good while back..." "Char..." the small lizard cried out softly as it tried to get back up. "Take it easy, buddy. We don't want you to get hurt," Mario spoke as he helped Charmander. "Watch out, guys! That bot didn't come alone!" Sonic warned as several more Motobugs arrived, surrounding the trio. "These mechs aren't so tough on their own, but they can be a real problem in groups!"

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