Chapter XXII: A Sound of Thunder

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The grassy plains were teeming with adorable Chao, who were all eating and playing together without a care in the world. The sun shone brightly in the sky, but a storm was headed this way, though not what you'd expect. A thunderous boom echoed through the woods, frightening the poor creatures and sending them into a panic. Suddenly, several bolts of electricity flew out from the nearby woods, shocking the Chao and causing them to drop to the ground. Several wheel-shaped creatures rolled out from the woods and circled the Chao. They were colored with yellow accents and sparks of electric energy circled around their bodies. "The Chao have been neutralized," a voice spoke up as a tall, gold-colored entity stepped forward. His shoulders had armored pads with three yellow spikes on each one, his torso had a design on it that resembled a face of fright. His own head had a fearful face with three yellow spikes protruding from it; two on the sides and on from the top. There were also two bolt-shaped prongs, one on each side of the top spike. In his hand, he held an electric prong which he used for combat and interrogation.

"Those creatures had better still be alive, Fear," the cloaked figure on the hologram reprimanded. "They have no use to me if they're dead." "Rest assured, Master; the little tykes are simply passed out," Ivory Fear, one of the Sinister Sentinels, replied. "I used but merely a fraction of my power to knock them out. They'll wake up in time, but they'll be locked up tight by then!" "Just make sure you get the job done," the Sentinel's master answered. "These armies of yours are sufficient for now, but the Chao provide a special power that surpasses them." "As much as it pains me to admit it, you are correct, Master. The Glunders are... limited in their abilities," Fear hesitated to speak. "But whatever army you see fit to lead, my lord, it shall be done!" The figure hung up and Fear began to pick up the comatose Chao, putting them in the capsule. As the abduction went on, a pair of eyes watched from the shadows in fear. The onlooker shook its head and rushed towards the villainous group, desperate to rescue the poor Chao.

"What's this? A brave challenger?" Ivory Fear chuckled as he noticed the attacker. "Glunders! Deal with this pest..." The wheel-shaped creatures rolled towards the oncoming entity, but were quickly smacked aside by this stranger in a heartbeat. "Oh, so you want to save these little munchkins, do you?" Fear taunted the entity, then knocked it aside with his Thunder Prong. "Too bad for you! These creatures are important to our plans, and we're not giving them back!" The Sentinel slapped the capsule and a bluish halo surrounded both him and the capsule. "I'll be back to find more Chao and send them straight to the Master as well. In the meantime, have fun with my minions! Ta-Ta! Hahahahaha!" Ivory laughed as he warped away with the machine, much to the creature's dismay. "Pika..." it muttered sadly before realizing it was still in danger. The Glunders kept circling this creature; a small, yellow mouse-like animal with red cheek sacs, and a tail shaped like a thunderbolt. The rodent fired a jolt of electricity at the enemies, but they were unaffected by it. One after another, they rolled into the poor creature, knocking him around like a ragdoll. Things were starting to look bleak, until...

"Get away from him, you monsters!" a young voice cried out, soon followed by several energy blasts to the Glunders. "Pi... ka?" the mouse looked up to see three strangers coming to his rescue; a green lizard who behaved more like a horse, a human in a green cap and blue overalls wearing a strange device on his back, and a two-tailed fox with a miniature cannon on his right arm. The wheeled minions got back up and focused their attacks on the newcomers, but the lizard grabbed one with its tongue and swallowed it whole before ejecting an egg and picking it up. The reptile then threw the egg at another enemy, knocking it out, before snagging yet another Glunder with his tongue. However, instead of swallowing this one, the dino spat it back out at another goon, causing the two to explode upon impact. The human used his vacuum weapon to suck up the cluster of Glunders in his vicinity, taking their energy, then disposing of the husks. The fox lined up his sights and fired a bigger blast that obliterated the remaining Glunders. He then ran to the quivering mouse and picked him up carefully.

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