First Date pt. 1

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Ten felt ecstatic even just holding Johnny's hand. when they entered the building he glanced at the counter and faced the older "what do you want babe, unless you wanna order together?" Even though he cringed eternally, he still said it anyways. Johnny smiled and walked into the cafe with Ten. He had a big smile on his lips as they walked up to the counter. "Let's order together, I can pay" he offered, taking out his wallet. Ten looked at the choice of things that he could get "ladies order first" he joked and said quietly to the other boy "I'm kidding" he giggled and faced the worker who must've felt awkward in the situation "can I get an americano?" Johnny giggled softly at Ten's joke and looked up at the menu. "I'll have a mocha and a brownie," he told the worker who rung up the order and told them the total. Johnny took out his card and paid for the order. Ten smiled at the boy and looked around for a bit before returning his gaze to the older. "where do you wanna sit?" Johnny looked around after he paid and spotted an open table by the window. "let's go sit over there by the window" he said pointing to the table. Ten looked at the table he was pointing too and smiled. "okay" he said and went over to it with johnny cause they were holding hands. Johnny smiled and walked to the table with Ten, sitting down across from the younger Ten took a seat, and stared at the older male. "I feel so awkward right now- that's not my fault but this is my first date and we're only just getting drinks" Johnny giggled softly "yeah me too" he replied softly as he looked across at Ten, getting lost in his eyes. Ten looked away with a slight shade of pink over his face "you can't just look at me like that right after I say that I'm awkward" he said, laughing between words "I'm sorry, I just can't help it whenever I look into your eyes I end up staring" Johnny replied softly  "well, that's an exception I guess.." he looked back at johnny "do you think our drinks would be ready now?""I think so, I'll go check ok" johnny replied with a smile "ill be right back," he said as he got up Ten nodded and smiled at him, watching him go over to check on his drinks. he smiled to himself, thinking of the boy while waiting Johnny walked over to the counter to see two drinks and a bagged food item and checked seeing it was their order and brought it back to the table "an americano for my love" he said handing Ten his drink Tens eyes lit up to seeing johnny again and he grabbed his drink and placed it on the table. "you're so weird." he mumbled "but you love me" johnny replied, smiling as he sat down "I got a brownie, you can have some of it if you'd like" he told the younger after taking a sip of his mocha. Ten took a sip of his americano and nodded "yes indeed I do love you" he agreed. "what flavor is it though?" "just chocolate" Johnny answered "but it does have chocolate chips in it so extra chocolate" Ten nodded in response and took another sip of his drink. "I take half you take half" Johnny smiled and nodded in agreement "that's fine with me" he replied taking the brownie out and breaking it in half "we're going shopping after this right? Ten asked and took a bit of the brownie to eat. Johnny nodded smiling as he took a sip of his mocha "yeah I really wanna get at least one matching outfit or shirt or something" "that would be cute." ten said and smiled brightly at the boy. Johnny smiled brightly "yeah?" "Yeah, I'd love to match outfits with you." ten replied, the bright smile still on his face. Johnny smiled brightly "I can't wait!" he said excitedly Ten chuckled and took a sip of his americano again. "you're really cute." he mumbled. Johnny blushed softly and hid his face slightly "don't hide your face please it's pretty and I wanna see it every day for the rest of my life while I can." ten said and giggled. What Ten said made Johnny blush even more "stop it you're making me shy," he said with a slight whine "well I can't help but speak facts" ten replied with. Johnny pouted softly "fine fine" he replied looking back at ten, his face still quite pink "you're really cute when you pout." "r-really?" johnny asked softly while looking across at Ten looking at . his facial expressions. "yes really." ten said and grabbed another piece of the brownie to eat. Johnny smiled softly and nibbled on the brownie "thank you" he replied enjoying the treat with his boyfriend.

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