YOU ARE READING green day thingies Разное yeah you read the title right you mindfucks #americanidiot #bangbang #billiejoearmstrong #fatherofall #fuckinglybilliejoe #fuckit #greenday #greenfuckingday #idfk #ihateeverything #ilovegreenday #imbored #lolidk #mikedirnt #onholidayy #revolutionradio #thelastoftheamericangirls #trecool 2 92 8 2 by -greenxday- by -greenxday- Follow Share Опубликовать в Вашем профиле Поделиться по электронной почте Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Опубликовать в Вашем профиле Поделиться по электронной почте Жалоба на историю Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Do I really have to explain this? animesfavsociopath hi