Chapter 12

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Aizawa teaches the class like normal, while everyone was paying attention..kind of. I still couldn't process of what happened earlier. That guy wasn't just a Dream. He was either someone who died, or someone who is alive that can easily find me.

"Ok. You can have free time." Aizawa said in his normal dead inside voice. He got in his sleeping bag and went right to sleep. I sighed and looked at the window. Everything was fine, until I saw him again. He was waving at me with this smile that I thought was more scary than me.

My eyes widened. 'How is he in the school grounds?! Is he a teacher? A visitor? Heck, is he a new student?! How can I already know who he is?' So many questions ran through my head.

"Hey, Kacchan? Is there something wrong?" Deku questioned behind me.

"No...stupid Deku. I'm fucking fine." I glared at him and tried to act like my mean self, which worked. I look back at the window and he was gone. 'Where did he go?! And how can he leave that fast?!'

I calmed down. 'It's probably just my imagination.' I thought. My phone rang and i saw a text. I clicked on the text, and it was an unknown number.

I nearly gagged at the text and I immediately deleted the number. 'Disgusting.'

"Bakugou, you seemed to have had a disgusted face, something wrong?" Raccoon eyes asked. "None of your business, raccoon eyes." I responded.

Another ding was heard from my phone again. I looked to see it was mom. I glared at her, she shrugged and walked away with a smile. I clicked on the text to see a picture of mei eating with Josie. They had fingerless gloves too. They were wearing the same ones I wear, but smaller to fit them.

I turned off my phone and closed my eyes. "Mother fucker."

I opened my eyes, and a person, no face, no clothes, just all black, was staring at me. I stopped breathing as the person was in front of my desk. "Before you know it, she'll abandon you and leave you with nothing but anger and sadness." The voice was really familiar. 'Do I know you?' I thought and the person laughed evilly, with still, no face.

"I'm you, you're me. We are one. We have the same mind, mostly because I AM from your mind. So yes, you stupid dipshit, you do know me." She, he...whoever this person's gender was pointed at themself. "Oh, and I'm you, you dick. So I'm a boy too. God, you're such a stupid cunt." He crossed his arms. My self-esteem is getting lower and lower by the second.

I looked around to see no one looking at me. I looked at Deku, no, he was talking to uraraka. I looked at kirishima, who was calling someone. I looked at todoroki and he was talking to someone, but was looking at me time to time which made me self conscious.

"Ugh, I bet he's thinking how ugly you are." I turned to the front of my desk and kept my gaze on the table. No one but me can see him, and if I talk or look at him, they're gonna think I'm crazy. 'Thanks for the compliment.' I rolled my eyes and looked at the window again.

'That guy! Is he someone I used to know, but forgot?!'

"Shit if I know. If you forgot, I forgot. That's how things work, shit face."

The guy outside looks like he is getting more and more closer. I gulp and wait till it's lunch time. The bell rung which means it's lunch. Of course, I'm not excited to eat food, cause I'm not, I'm just gonna see where that guy is going. The 'mind guy' wasn't in front of my desk anymore.

I walked out of the classroom and headed towards the rooftop. Once I got there, I walked towards the edge and looked around for that guy. "Aren't you gonna jump?"

'The fuck, no, i'm not jumping today. I'm looking for that guy.' I looked at him and he shrugged. "Just wondering, it would've been hilarious if no one cared."

'To you, yes, but to me, it isn't.' It was hard to focus of on the blue haired guy, and to talk to him. I then gasped. "There you are, you motherfucker." I whispered and smirked as I saw him smiling as he walked around with his hands in his pockets.

He then turned his attention to me, and waved. "Ey! It's you!" He yelled. I dropped my smile and facepalmed. "Okay, can you shut up?! Are you a visitor?" I yelled back. "You could say that. I always wanted to check out this school." He looked around then turned his attention to me again.

"Sorry to break it to ya, but it's school hours. You're not really aloud to come in here."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm sneaky then." He smiled creepily that I could still see from over here. "Can I come over there?" He took a step forward. I rolled my eyes and backed away.

He smiled widely and ran towards the building. He jumped high and made it towards the top with me. "Tada!" He put his hands up high and had a prideful face. I swear, he can smile at anything.

"Good for you." I rolled my eyes once again and sat at one of the benches. "So, what do you usually do, pretty boy?" He sat next to me and looked at me.

"Ew, if you are gonna say stuff like that, get the fuck away from me." I sat at another bench to get away from him. "Like I said before, sweetie. I like to have seductive fun."

"Gross. I'm not that kind of person, so stay away."

He sighed, and nodded, still having his smile. "We already had lots of fun before anyway."

I raised a brow at him. "What does that mean?"

"Oops. I forgot. Let me tell you a little story," he crossed his legs and took a deep breath. "You probably already know this, but we used to know each other VERY well." He began.

"In your middle school years, we met each other, and we became good friends right after."

"How come I don't remember? That wasn't that long ago." I replied.

"We'll get to that, very soon." He looked at me. "After a while, I asked you out, and you said yes. This was during your vacation after 7th grade."

I tried to think of when I had a boyfriend, and no, nothing came in mind. "Nope, still don't remember."

"There's a reason for that." He smirked. "Anyway, after we've been dating for 2 months, but we decided to break up. I had a technique at that time that made you forget about me, and us dating." He finished. "At that time, I thought you wouldn't want to remember all those things, but now, I wanna change that."

"Woah woah woah. Wait a second. So what you're trying to say are my ex-boyfriend?"

1200 words

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