Chapter 24

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I closed my eyes and crawled up into a ball. Even with the gloves, I still don't feel strong. Or protected. Or anything. When I open my eyes without my glasses, everything is a blur, and I can never tell who the person really is. I closed my eyes tighter, wanting to forget what I'm thinking, and trying to sleep peacefully.

I don't know when, but I finally was able to sleep.

I opened my eyes, and saw that I was in a ball room. I was confused, and I looked down, and I was in a dark red tuxedo shirt, and black pants. My shoes are dark red as well, so it can match the shirt. 'Well, this is weird.' I looked up and saw no one around.

"Excuse me." A warm and nice voice said behind me. I turned around and saw an elegant man, with his right side of his hair shaved, and the other side so long, it's covering his eye. He had black hair, and aqua blue eyes that looked like they were glowing. He has a dark blue tuxedo, black pants, and black shoes. He has a piercing on his ears, and that made him look like a dream crush. I raised a brow at him.

"I don't mean to bother you, but..." He paused and took his hand out. "Would you like to dance?" He whispered. I gulped. I nodded and he took my hand carefully. The weird part was, is that I didn't mean to nod. It was like I couldn't help but be with him. He put one hand on my waist, and my other hand on his hand, holding one gently. My other hand was wrapped on his neck. We somehow got in the middle of the room and started dancing.

I wanted to get away from him, I wanted to leave the room, but I can't. The touch was uncomfortably familiar, and I knew exactly who it was. This man wasn't my desire. But I can't get away from him. Is he my weakness? I never met the man before. "I don't mean to sound weird, but you're really handsome." He started.

I widen my eyes, and blushed a bit. "T-Thank you." Why do I sound so vulnerable? Why do I sound so weak? I need to get out of here. "Can...Can you..." I was about to say let go of me, but I said something else. "Can you kiss me?"

'What is going on?! Why can't I control my words?!'
The man blushed. "A-Aren't we supposed to take things slow. I-I don't know your name."

'Yes you do, don't act stupid. I know you know me.' "Are you sure?" He asked. I mentally shook my head no, but I nodded physically. He came closer, and closer, but everything went dark before he kissed me.

I woke up, panting and a bit of sweat was on my face. "W-Wha-Huh?" I stuttered and looked around. I was in my room. 'What just happened?' I thought and curled up into a ball.


I drank my coffee and cleared my throat. "What's wrong with you today?" Mom asked as she walked over and stood next to me. "It's 5 in the morning, and you never drink coffee this early."

"I just got thirsty for coffee is all." I grumbled and sat down on the couch. I finished the coffee and got up to get more. "Um, why another cup?" She had a concerned face. "I need energy to practice my fighting." I stretched and took a sip of coffee. Mom grabbed my cup and I glared at her. "You know," she started. "I may be your mom, but you can always practice with me." She finished and starting drinking my cup.

"Hah?!" I said louder. "You. Me. Backyard. Practice. That's all. I know some fighting techniques. My old friends taught me. Course, I didn't cut out to be a hero, so now I'm here. Since I'm an older woman who knows some techniques, and you're a hero in training that know some as well, I thought that maybe it will be fair," She put the coffee cup down and looked at me.

"I'm not the BEST fighter," She shrugged. "But I'm sure I won't disappoint you."

I sighed, "You're not gonna tell me what you're capable of?" I mumbled, and she shook her head. "It's like a villain attack."

I cracked my knuckles and smirked. "I like a good challenge."

She smiled and we both walked out in the backyard. She stood at a nice distance, and she stretched. "Alright." She sighed and got in a fighting stance. I did the same and we waited patiently for the other. She suddenly ran towards me at a fast pace so I moved out of the way. I grabbed her wrist and moved her in front of me and made an explosion that isn't too big or small.

She coughed and walked backwards. "U-Ugh *Cough*"

I ran towards her through the smoke, but once I got through it, she was gone. I stopped and waited a bit. She suddenly appeared in front of me and hit my stomach. I coughed roughly and backed away a bit. She smirked and chuckled.

I exploded behind me and appeared in front of her. I put my hands out, and closed my eyes. I saw her shadow getting closer and was about to hit me, but I opened my eyes, grabbed her wrist, and kicked her stomach.

She widen her eyes and coughed. I let go of her and backed away a bit. She continued to cough which made me a bit worried. "Mom," I sat next to her and pat her back which made her coughs more tame. "My bad. I didn't mean to kick you that hard." I looked down.

"Don't be," She grumbled and stopped coughing. "I'm okay." She smiled and sat up. "Wanna continue practicing?"

I pounted a bit. "Nah, let's head back inside. It's getting a bit cold." I grabbed her hand and walked inside. "Did I scare you?" She smirked. I glared at her. "No! I'm not scared! I knew you would've been fine." I let go of her and looked away from her. "You know, you can always talk to me. I'm your mother. And I'm glad you stopped what you were doing once I came back." She smiled.

I nodded slowly. I can't tell her that I didn't technically stop. I stopped now, but I don't know if I will forever stop cutting. I don't even know if I should tell her about X-Troy.

I think it's best that she doesn't know. She went through a lot.

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