The news

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Peter was playing with me. He was floating in the air and I was trying to catch him.

"Come and get me little princess!" Peter called as he floated higher. Peter was my only friend but he was often busy doing stuff that he would never tell me about which often made me sad. I used to rock as a push off and I grabbed his foot. He zipped around with me still clinging to his foot. My hand was slipping off of his foot and I was high in the air. I screamed as my hand let go and I fell into the water with a loud splash. Peter stopped and turned around to see if I was alright. I was fine just a little angry at him.

"Athena!" I heard my mother call and I waved goodbye to Peter and swam away.

"Yes, mother." I said as I swam into our palace. My five sisters were in a line against the wall. I lined up next to my twin sister Vika.

"What is going on." I whispered to Vika but all I got in response was a "shh" so I shut up.

"I have gotten news that the king of Atlantica want to meet with us so girls go and pack your thing for we leave in the the morning. I swam to the room that me and Vika shared. As I packed my things my mind was racing with activity.

"Hey, Vik, How come I have never heard about Atlantica?" I Asked Vika and she groaned and looked at me.

"We have not been allies of that kingdom. Why are you so clueless?" 

"I'm not clueless!"

"Yes you are!"

"Shut up!" I screamed as I threw a hairbrush and it hit a carved piece of coral. The coral broke and Vika screamed and lunged at me. 

"You will pay for that!That was a gift from Peter!" She screamed as she pushed me up against the wall. We fought till our older sister, Nerissa swam in and broke us up.

"Easy, you two. Do you have to go for each other's throats as soon as my back is turned." Nerissa said as she picked up the pieces of the broken coral. "And Vika you have two of these carving, there was no reason to fight. Athena next time control you temper." Nerissa said as she finished packing my things and handed me the case.

"Now both of you go to bed so you can get some sleep before tomorrow." Ordered Nerissa and I climbed into bed. I tossed and turned all night till I quietly crept out of bed and swam to the surface to see the stars. I jumped onto a nice flat rock that was a perfect place to relax and watch the star. I dosed off there under the bright glowing lights and the nice peace night breeze. It was perfect cause sometimes I had to get away from my sisters and have some alone time. That's why this was so perfect.

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