Off we go

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I was awaken by Doris. She was shaken me like crazy.

"Come on big sis! We are leaving! Come on get up! Get up!" She screamed still shaking me.

"I up, Doris!" I yelled back. Doris jumped back into the water and swam away. I followed her. We swam down to the palace and there were my sisters all lined up with mother in front.

"Athena, at last there you are." She said as she pointed to my place in line. "Okay now that all of you are here we can began with the rules. Rule one: respect the royalty there, rule two: no touching things-" But she was cut off by Doris.

"Can we touch the water or the floor or-" But she was cut of by mother.

"Yes Doris, we can touch the floor and water. Now back to the rules-" But she was cut off by Vika.

"Jeez mom, we get it, no fun." Vika said and I saw my mother's eye twitch and hand clinch into fists.

"Vika... You know forget it, let's just go." She said and swam away. We got our stuff and followed her.


 It felt like forever that we were swimming but at last we reached Atlantica.  It was huge. I was so busy looking at the palace that I wasn't watching where I was going. I bumped into someone. I spun around to apologize. I saw a boy with brown hair and blue eyes like the water. 

"Hey, watch it!" He yelled at me and I gaped at him. He was so rude. I was about to talk some sense into him when  Phoebe swam over.

"Athena, come on." Phoebe said as she tugged me along. We swam to where there was a huge crowd. I stood next to a mergirl with brown hair and brown skin. She had black tentacles.

"Hi, I'm Athena." I said as I held out my hand. She turned and looked at me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ursula." She said as she shook my hand. We were just about to talk when I horn blew and we both jumped. 

"Pronouncing, prince Triton." A merboy with the horn. He was right next to the throne. The boy that I bumped into early appeared and I gasped. He was prince Triton. Every bowed and so did I so he wouldn't notice me in the crowd. 

I was about to swim off because it was time for the royals to meet each other. I was so close but my mom grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Athena, where do you think your going?" She said then didn't wait for a response. I was pushed to the front with my other sisters. I saw prince Triton and his parents. I sighed and waited to be introduced to them.  


After if was all over I swam to the corner. It wasn't as bad as I expected. He knew who I was but didn't say anything but hello. I heard giggles and I looked up. I saw the girl with the tentacles, Ursula. She was surrounded by a bunch of mergirls. Then kept laughing and pushing her. Anger rose in me. I swam over to them and grabbed the leader's arm. She spun and looked at me. 

"Leave her alone." I said as the other brats looked at me.

"Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am?" The girl asked shocked. I looked straight into her eyes which made her squirm a little.  

"Yes, a brat." I said coldly and she wiggled to get free from my grasp. 

"Why do you want to defend this freak?" One of the other girls asked and I glared at her. She backed down and hide behind another girl. 

"Yeah a thing like that shouldn't be excepted." Said the girl and I spun to face. My anger exploded like a bubble. I punched the girl in her nose. She yelled and grabbed her nose. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the other girls ran over to her. I grabbed Ursula's hand and swam away before the could draw attention.  

"Why did you do that?" Ursula asked as we swam.

"I can't stand brats and you were the first person to show me kindness." I responded as I pulled her behind a pillar. She smiled and I smiled back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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