Chapter 16~ Why Don't We Do It In Road

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Paul~ A part of me wished that Anna didn't go with him. Even though I said it was okay, it wasn't. My heart sank as I watched Freddie put his arm around her when the headed for the exit. George elbowed me and nodded his head at me as if to say if everything was okay. I looked away and shook my head.

We finished the set and the audience roared with applause, but that still didn't make me feel better. We walked off stage and into the backstage lounge. John handed me a cigarette and I took it.
'Y'alright?' John our his hand on my shoulder and lit my cigarette. I let out a big cloud of smoke.
'I dunno, I thought that she wouldn't go with him, Y'know.' I collapsed on to the sofa and let out another cloud of smoke.

We all sat there in silence. I looked over at George whose face had lit up. I followed his eye line and looked over to the crowded corridor. The group of people disappeared except from one. I stood up and walked over to the doorway.

'Why are you here?' We locked eyes. I looked back at John and George who were smiling at me. 'I thought you left.'
'I put Freddie in a taxi and I couldn't leave you.' Anna took my hand.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up. She laughed as I lowered her back to the ground. Our eyes locked intensely. She leaned forward and our lips touched.


My heart skipped a beat. I'd waited for so long to kiss her and hold her like this. She pulled away and she leaned her forehead on mine. We both smiled and stood there in each others arms.

John coughed quietly and we turned our head to look at him. 'As much as I love watching you two get it on, can we go?' I looked back at Anna and she smiled at me.
'Let's go.' She said quietly and we walked over to the guitars.

We packed up all the instruments into the van and got in. Me and Anna sat in the back.
'Today was fun.' Anna lay down and put her head on my lap. I ran my fingers through her hair and watched her join in the conversation.
Due to the club being so full there was a lot of traffic. John turned up the radio and we all sang along.

Even though the house was 5 minutes away it took us 20 minutes to get back.  When we pulled in to the house, George ran in to the house bursting for the toilet. We all unloaded the van and bought all the guitars into the house. John went upstairs and Anna went back out the front door.

I followed her out side and saw her lying in the middle of the road. I stood there and watched her looking up the sky. She looked over to me and patted the road beside her. I walked over and lay down beside her. She turned her head and looked at me, 'I'm so happy.' She looked back up to the starry night sky.

I took her hand in mine.
'Me too.' I could've lay there forever with her. I'd never been so happy. She moved closer to me and a put my arm behind her head. It was freezing but we didn't care. I don't know how long we were laying on the road but it was paradise.

'I'm tired,'Anna sat up and looked back at me, ' y' coming?' She stood up and held out her hand. I took her hand and she pulled me up. We stood there and looked at each other. I bent down and picked up Anna so she was over my shoulder. 'Paul!' Anna shrieked in delight as I carried her into the house. I carried her up the stairs and into our room. Still laughing, I placed Anna down on the bed. She sat up and looked at me.

'I've got to get ready for bed, can I have a shirt?' I took one of my favourite T-shirt's out of the chest of drawers and threw it to her. She caught it and walked into the bathroom. I walked over to the window, opened it and lit one of the cigarettes that were on the windowsill.

I looked at my watch and read, '1:45'. I heard the door open and I looked over. Anna walked out in my shirt and my heart skipped a beat. I loved her in my clothes. My T-shirt's, my jackets anything that's mine.

I stood there and watched her, standing so perfectly. She did a little spin and walked over to me. She took the cigarette out of my mouth and put it in hers. The smoke filled the space between us. 'Y' gonna get changed?'
'Yeah.' I walked over to the chest of drawers again and took out some tartan pyjamas. I took off my jeans and got into my cotton bottoms. 

Anna jumped into bed and under the duvet and I copied her. She cuddled into me and I wrapped my arms around her. I felt myself falling asleep listening to the sound of Anna's breathing.

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