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" NO! No. I can't! Think of how.. how. Busy, i'll be. " Four motioned a hand, tossing the envelope aside.

" Just because you don't like Five doesn't mean you can't have the decency to go to her bunfight, Four! " Two whines, clutching their own envelope.

Four paused their theatrics, turning quickly back to Two.
" What? "
Two blinks. " What. "
Four pointed a finger. " What did you say? "

The green number rubbed their chin thoughtfully, " I said just because you don't like Fiv- "
Four smushes a hand over Two's mouth and the number freezes at the contact as Four barks back.
" NO, no, not that- What's a bunfight? "

Two stares.
" Y'know. A bunfight. A big shindig. A party, a- "

A frilly grey umbrella twirled a bit over Eight's shoulder as they'd hop down from the side of the rock, standing near the two other numbers.

Two paused, looking back. Just as Four was about to speak they gave them a soft elbow shove and pointed to.. her.

Eight stared, narrowing her eyes.
".. You two. Going? "

Two laughs in nervously amidst intimidation, smacking a hand over Four's mouth before they could speak.
" Yes! Ohoho, oh, of course! Why wouldn't we? Don't be so. Silly. "

Eight turned around.
" I don't like liars. You better be there. Unless you want Five to keep inviting one of you despite never showing up. You have any idea how that makes her feel? Think about that. "

" Oh, CERTAINLY Eight. We'd never wanna hurt. Five! Right, Four? "

Four looks back at Eight, speaking through Two's muffled hand.
" Since when were you and FIVE close? I've never seen you two talk until Nin- "
Two gave a harsh ' SHSHHSHSHSH ' to Four, and they quickly froze.

Eight stared, furrowing a brow.
" She's. Uh. Been there for me. It's in my right to be there for her- or. Whatever. It's not complicated. Just. Be there. "
Eight turned around quickly, trudging off in the other direction.

The two numbers stood there blankly, staring at Eight as she went on her way.

Four gave a quizzical look back at Two for a moment as they moved their hand away. " What're you, scared of them? "

Two laughs. " Oh. A bit. "
Four went quiet.

" Please. Pleaase go. Not out of. Intimidation, I mean. " The brit rubbed the back of their neck and Four turned in their direction, squinting.

" AND- And. Not out of. Pitying Five. Or something. " Two spoke up again, and Four crossed their arms.
" What possible reason could there- "

" Because, I want you to go. " Two finishes, looking away and twiddling their hands together neatly with an embarassed smile. That could have knocked Four out, come to think about it. The implications, too. Oh, they all came at once in a flurry of.. emotion.. or. Well. Four wouldn't admit that. But- an antsy feeling no less rose up to Four's chest. They'd force out a cough, looking back at Two.

" Fine. I'll go. " The blue host replied hoarsely, trying not to let the vulnerability slip in their voice.

Two clearly looks as if the news is the best thing in the world ( which.. did not aid Four's case. ) and excitedly grabbed at the other number's wrist, pawing a hand to their palm.

The moment caught upon the two so fast, and Two acted as if it were simple- but undoubtedly the feeling of a zillion butterflies drop to the pit of Four's gut- as.. cheesy as it sounds, it all became painfully real as their blue cheeks burned a hazy gold. And Two, well. Just went right along talking,

" Oh, i'm so glad! Imagine, if you will. The two prestigious hosts, Four, and their other half- "

Four points at Two.
" D-Don't. Phrase it like that. "

Two chuckles dryly, pretending they weren't hurt in the slightest, and continuing on,
" Whatever, the wording does not matter. We just have to make an impression! I can just imagine it now, everyone CLAMMERING to talk to- "

" Is X going? " Four mumbled.


Thank goodness. A proper distraction.

" My, you're right! I hadn't thought to ask. Give me a moment, " Two reaches for the remote, moving away.

Four catches themself reaching back out for Two's touch and quickly stumbled back a few steps.

Yeah! Just a friendly hand grab.

Because they were apparently friends, now.. And yet Four felt the same terribly mixed up feeling in their chest.

They decide to try to focus on matters at hand as Two thumbled for the remote control.

why was 6 afraid of 7? [a BFB/TPOT fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now