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The number was definitely not fond of the green one, that's for sure.

Taking everything away from them.
Taking X away from them, especially.
They very well had noone to talk to at this point, sitting atop the rugged plain with a furrowed brow and a palm rested on the side of their azure cheek.


They glanced up, seeing the green one appear on the set not all too far away. The number grimaced, crossing their arms- but.. It seems they aren't here for to see the titular blue host, pacing around nervously, as if they don't know Four can see them right now..

" HEEEY! "
And of course, their first instinct is to shout at the other number.. startled, Two quickly turned to face them..
" Oh. I- didn't know you were up here. "

Four cut right to the chase, standing.
" Here to take my contestants again, you little... HRHMRHRGH!! " Unsure of any insults to make on the spot, Four coined their usual agitated motorcycle sounds.
Two blinked.
" What? No, no, I- "
Four grumbled loudly. " Save it! If you are just going to take everything just do it now! Unless you wanna RUB IT IN!!! "
.. Two just watched Four have a temper tantrum for a few seconds before starting to speak up again. " Listen- I talked to your.. friend, and he told me I should apologize. " BIG INHALE.. " I was just trying to make myself look.. you know. Fetching. Cool, I guess. I wanted what you had, as this big gameshow host. But-.. I realized how scummy it must feel for you right now, mate. I'm sorry. "

The blue one rubbed their temples and uttered in annoyance, pacing.
".. I don't know what you expect out of me! But- it shouldn't be forgiveness. Not now! " They balled up their fists. " Do you have any idea what this feels like- "
Two hopped across, rock to rock. The brit simply peered at the other number thoughtfully.
" I guess I have no place in saying so- " They rub their chin. " I didn't expect forgiveness just as shortly so, " Two'd smile nervously. " How's about I just give all those people back to you, old chap? Would that make you feel any better? " They flutter their eyelashes.. Four glared back, sighing and hoping he wouldn't regret saying this..

" FINE. You can keep your contestants. "
Four crossed their arms, and Two lit up FAST, a big smile on the number's face,

" REALLY?? "

Four groaned, replying. " They chose to come with you anyway. It wouldn't be fair if I took them back. "
The brit giddily tapped their little green feets on the rock.
" Oh, goodie! Thank you, Four. "

Four rolled their eyes.
This.. would take some getting used to.

- - -

Ever since Four and Two's underwhelming ' friendship ' had began ( due to two's continuous visits ) there always has been a question that stuck on their mind.

" So, how IS X? "
It's not like Two was holding X away from them. They'd let the yellow one visit Four plenty, and even if they couldn't show up Two would always make sure not to be scarce on the details.. Yet..
Four sensed something was wrong with their friend. Something out of Two's control- Two being delightful about the whole thing despite this-.. it didn't soothe Four's mind.

Besides. Four always thought nothing of it, before. It was just a quirk of X's. His value was Seven, without doubt. But- Four always took notice that X held two other numbers. Not.. value wise, or anything. Just.. there.

They started seeing things in X's eyes. The- the semblance, of numbers. They were too faint to possibly tell what they could have been. Then again, maybe matters weren't related to that at all. They'd just assumed X still wasn't adjusted to hosting with Two. Just-..

Four was too afraid to assume much else.

why was 6 afraid of 7? [a BFB/TPOT fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now