Chapter 9: Beginning of the end

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It had began. The order, the moment, the war. Thousands of Endermen ran deep into the enemy lines, completely forgetting the city as they ran around the caged up encasement. It seemed strange the that the Wither boss' army didn't move, didn't flinch but struck down Endermen left and right as they attempted to attack. Their idea was brought to a quick failure once Endermen started teleporting behind them, surrounding the entire army in a sealed circle. Once again Endermen ran in for the kill and were quickly forced back. "We have to help one of the armies destroy the other army, else we will have a bad time taking both on alone, as well as the... wait... where.. are the bosses?" Commanded Christina.
"LOOK... over there, in the sky!" Chris shouted.
The entire city glanced up to see wither skulls and fire balls shooting over the sun light, as if shooting stars on a clear night sky. It was the Wither and Enderdragon in deep conflict, separated for millenniums, secluded in pocket dimensions hidden away from the universe, waiting for the day they would be strong enough to break back into the universe and now both have power of demon gods and armies to spare. They felt invincible, unable to be destroyed, free to reek havoc upon the world.
Over 2 hours the sky lit up with lightness and darkness from the bosses attacks. The villagers had almost forgotten the two raging armies battling outside the city, it seemed as if the cracks of the dimensions were allowing more soldiers to enter the battle it seems that the war will be unstoppable.
The wither's and zombie pigmen's swords ripped through Endermen one by one as they teleported then fell to their knees after being sliced. Endermen had also been tearing soldiers in mass numbers, throwing their Ender eyes at their enemies on ground and in the air. It seemed like a closely locked battle, many ghasts and blazes attempted to go against the Enderdragon but failed with their lives. The armies had forgot about the city which had now began making TNT cannons.

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