Chapter 12 Rise of Herobrine

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(Writer's comment: welcome back everyone sorry for the overly long break, had some issues to deal with.... Not quite fixed yet but I can't let the story die before it ends. Anyway I hope you enjoy the return of the ... Minecraft.)

Chris POV:
It has been a quiet couple of days since the armies backed away, I and Christina had been busy rebuilding what we could. Unfortunately there has been so much damage dealt that the two of us still haven't fixed everything and were are slowly running out of materials. I attempted to question the villagers that survived a bit more about all of the enemies... especially that one called Herobrine. He was strong and quick, unlike anything I had ever seen or faced. I have been worried that to be able to defeat him someone would have to sacrifice themselves.

Herobrine POV:
I have these things on the run, everything still fears me.. Good.
As soon as I take out the Wither and the Enderdragon I shall rule their worlds and their armies. No being can match my power.

Enderdragon POV:
The other army has matched out strength but now others have joined the fight. For us to be free we must win this war. The power of the End shall pull us through.

Wither POV:
Fools dare challenge the nether forces, we shall turn all worlds into the fires of hell. Nothing can stop our ungodly might, we are strong and all shall know it.

Chris POV:
I'm just starting to think that we really need to build houses which don't break. it's not like I go to their homes and trash them apart, stupid mob bosses with their stupid armies and that stupid Herobrine.
We will teach them a lesson, a lesson of how much it turns to have something you build destroyed.

Herobrine POV:
I shall go and find the army I shall lead to victory. I will arm them with armour, weapons and more. My enemies will crumble to the power of Herobrine. HAHAHAHA.

Skeleton king POV:
The Herobrine has rose? He plans on using the over world mobs for his army? He shall die trying as we will fight and defeat all this madness. "Soldiers send a group each to the other mob leaders they must know of this threat and be ready to fight!"

Zombie king POV:
The new of war has spread to our depths, Herobrine has been spotted taking control of a small group of the over world mobs.


It slowly became night and the forces of darkness began to rise from their hidden places the wither and Enderdragon had set their sights upon the city unknowing that they would both attack at the same time. Herobrine had began to grow his army from the stray mobs that lurked around in the darkness his sight also set upon the city which he was not ready yet to attack, he was going to go after the Underworld mob bases and take control of each army this would mean he would need to kill each leader these were; the Skeleton King, the Zombie King, the Creeper King, The Queen Spider and the Silverfish King. Each king/queen were strong but one was the strongest and ruled above all the others, that was the Skeleton King. Deep underground is his castle which is sunken into stone and dirt. Inside his iron throne sits at the end of the castle's main room.

This underground mob king makes his army all the time allowing no room for errors, since he heard of Herobrine's arrival he had doubled his security and has given many of his army swords and other weapons.

Herobrine lurked in the shadows hunting for stray mobs to control and build an army of. He ventured near the deserted towns to see if anything was there, all he saw was rubble and destruction. One of the nights he spotted the warrior known as Chris, but he wasn't ready to take him on, plus Herobrine knew of the upcoming war where only one army and one leader shall survive. This war was Herobine's chance to wipe the good from the world and plunge the world into darkness...

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